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Burner inserters need burner assemblers.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 7:14 pm
by mooklepticon
Here's a thought I realized on my last start up. I've been slightly unhappy with how quickly burner equipment is passed over. (I like the concept of Stirling engines. Maybe I'm a engi-hipster?) I thought about running my level 1 assemblers with burner inserters, but came up with some stumbling blocks.

1) Burner inserters need fuel, so I'd have to provide that with the raw materials I need. This would necessitate mixed belts, which is fine, but limits you to 1 input per inserter. This is fine for early game, which is the only time I'd like their use extended. Late game, mixed belts use 2 raws.

2) L1 assemblers already need electricity, so why bother with burner inserters? You're already required to have electricity, so it seems silly to use burner stuff. Concisely, don't mix energy groups.

#1's not a huge issue. By the time you want mixed raws, you're probably at fast inserters anyway.

#2 presents an interesting design choice. What if you had burner assemblers? I've poked around and the best resource for that seems to be the No Hand Crafting mod. I'm interested in that one, because I think that assembling a train in my pocket is a little weird (just as weird as carrying a stack of 50 or so, heh).

So, if there were burner assemblers, there'd be more need for burner inserters.

Re: Burner inserters need burner assemblers.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 12:49 am
by eladmir
I use burners far into the game for my stone and steel furnaces. Also I use them for feeding coal to my boilers. The progression seems reasonable to me. At the point where I stop using burners I am usually into blue science.

Different play styles.

Re: Burner inserters need burner assemblers.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 4:39 pm
by Xterminator
Yeah I agree a burner assembler would be pretty cool. Although it's not in the game, there is a mod that adds it if your interested. :)

Re: Burner inserters need burner assemblers.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 2:01 pm
by mooklepticon
Xterminator wrote:Yeah I agree a burner assembler would be pretty cool. Although it's not in the game, there is a mod that adds it if your interested. :)

that's awesome! Thanks!