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Railway network ned help
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:38 pm
by Lee_newsum
My Trains all go the black way and will not go the red way. y not what do I need to fix it
greed dots are Rail signal.
Re: Railway network ned help
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:01 pm
by Psycho0124
I'm pretty sure trains will refuse to enter a section of rail where all the signals are on the left side. Add a signal to the other side of the track on the red line and that should let them use it.
For one-way track, always have signals on the right. I think signals on both sides will allow two-way traffic but I've actually never tried it.
Re: Railway network ned help
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:53 pm
by jeroon
Indeed, placing a signal not only gives the train a signal the upcomming track is clear, it also marks that part of the track as 'one way'. Placing a signal on the other side of the track makes it 'two way'.
It takes a bit of practice to get a feeling for it, and most of the time you will end up with 2 tracks, both one way, because trains are blocking your crossings
Re: Railway network ned help
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:51 pm
by Lee_newsum
well that did not work.
but I fix it next to the big bank of Basic accumulator there was 2 Rail signal on 2 sides removing the one going the over way fix it
(y did I not see that before
Re: Railway network ned help
Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:48 am
by Zourin
Right of Track = Right of Way
Left of Track = Wrong Way.
You can tell by looking at them, the green/red lights. The signal designates that 'block' of track as one-way-only, in addition to acting as a cut-switch for the pathing of other trains.
These two trains will never collide, One is set to only 5 seconds at both station, the other for 10 seconds.
The Signals in Red control access to the shared rail.. they have to be placed as close as possible to the point where the tracks merge, but have to be placed on the split sections of track (not on the shared rail). They coordinate direction. Once a train is on the track, other trains can follow it while it's 'one way', like the guy holding stop/slow signs, he lets more than one guy pass.a
The Signals in Blue prevent station collisions, and should be about as far back as the length of the trains. In this picture, there's just enough room for two trains with 3 cargo wagons to queue for a station and not block up the shared rail. Adding a third train blocks the shared rail and the entire step hits gridlock (but will not collide)
Re: Railway network ned help
Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:57 am
by immibis
The easiest way to see the direction is by the arrows that are shown when you place the signal.
Re: Railway network ned help
Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:22 am
by Zourin
The thing to remember is to NOT put signals on the shared rail. If you put one signal, it designates the rail as one-way only. If you put a signal on the opposite side as well, it's possible for two trains to meet in the middle (but not collide)