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Alien pathing

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:01 am
by Pandamonium
Does anyone know how the Alien pathing works?

I'm thinking about building walls around my main base. If I only have one "entry", could I effectively create a "kill zone" or trap?
Or will they simply just eat at the closest wall?

Re: Alien pathing

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:02 am
by n9103
They will pathfind around walls, but only to a limited degree.
Someone that's code-delved more than I will have the exact number of tiles, but really, it's mostly pointless to count on that. Better to have a few tiles thick of walls in front of many turrets at the point they're attacking from, than try to devise a clever trap.
Not that it's impossible, but it's impractical, and has far less returns on the time invested.
Maybe in a future version.

Re: Alien pathing

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:10 am
by Pandamonium
Ah I see, Thanks for the reply!

Just sometimes, it just as fun to come up with some swanky traps using all the gagets and gismos at hand, as it is to create smooth operational factory. :)

Let's see what the future brings :)

Maybe they are meant to be a bit: ... iginal.jpg