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Logistic network needs a new name, or a good idea

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 2:01 am
by ssilk
I tried to rewrite the logistic network in the wiki, because we have the roboports and some stuff changes. But this ain't gonna work.

I explain why: the old logistic network was a network of chests. Provider, storage, requester. And the bots drive from chest to chest.

Now this changes, the connected roboports built a network on its own. And we also have not only logistic bots, we have repair bots. This brings me in some troubles, because this decision is not alone in my competence. Thats because I write here: I hope that we find a good idea, how we name that.

So I have some ideas, how to fix this, but no idea, which is the best. :)

1. The first idea is to add a new network, called "robotic network" and that interacts with the logistic network by limiting the size. That would also include the repair bots (robot network). The robotic network is currently just the roboports, the logistic and repair bots and the repair packs.

2. The second idea is to remove the logistic network and include it into the "robot network". So the chests, port, all bots and other stuff is then robot network.

3. The third idea is calling the area of the ports "Factory area". The rest is basically the same as idea two.

4. The fourth is to keep the logistic network and just add the roboports there and to add "repair network" which consists of repair bots, repair packs and roboports, too.

All decisions have more or less consequence and I can really not estimate, what then changes/must be changed, too

Re: Logistic network needs a new name, or a good idea

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:45 pm
by JackGruff
Ok, I had typed out quite a few answers but I think I am bringing confusion to the mix because I don't necessarily see things the way you or others do. So let me start by explaining how I see the things that concern your post. Sorry if I repeat myself!
  • Logistics network: providers, storage and requesters (that's all!). The chests provide the data.
  • Robotics (I guess you could call this the robotics network): supported by the roboport and brings two things to the table...
    • Logistics bots: act on the data provided by the logistics network. Right now, they are the only thing that does and that is why we treat them as one and the same thing.
    • Constructions bots: able to repair and build. They do not interact with the logistics system.
Further thoughts:

Each structure and entity plays some role. Right now, the chest supply the data to the system. The bots happen to be able to act on this but they need the port to survive themselves.

Making the robots a superset of the logistics seems like putting the horse behind the cart. What if other things in the future can interact with the system such as new robotic vehicles or even the trains we have right now? I don't think the thought of "one system is part of another" is good. They are separate systems that work together.

This may sound controversial, and that is why I haven't done it, but I would make the Logistics network page on the wiki not talk about the bots. Just say something like, "these chests feed data into the system. The only thing that can act on this data right now are logistics bots". And then you have a link to the robotics page (which would be new).

So I don't completely agree with any of your suggestions, but if I *had* to choose, I would pick the first.

Re: Logistic network needs a new name, or a good idea

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:12 pm
by ssilk
Good answer, because that's about my opinion. :)

Any other idea?

Re: Logistic network needs a new name, or a good idea

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:59 pm
by ssilk ... ic_network

If someone can provide the icons and make screenshots, because I think I won't be at my compute today/tomorrow (all written on iPad). That was also the reason, why I don't knew the exact receipts etc.