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Hot Bar

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:44 am
Please, could you make it 3 times larger?
30 items instead of 10?

Re: Hot Bar

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 4:10 am
by FreeER
There is a second research-able toobelt (hotbar), use x to switch between them after unlocked. I'd say a mod could be made to unlock more, but the code that switches between the active toolbelt seems to only allows two...

Devs, what's the point of the lua tech modifier (limited using %2 in changeActiveQuickBar), other than showing the switch icon (which seems a bit silly to me)?
and will there be a way to access those or only the active? just curious :)

Re: Hot Bar

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:11 am
by slpwnd
At the moment there cannot be more than 2 quickbars. This is simply because there are 2 quickbar objects hardcoded in the character code. This can however be relatively easily changed to the indexable vector with X rotating through the quickbars. In case someone thinks he would use it in his mod then we can put it on our todo list.

Re: Hot Bar

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:16 am
Is it posiible to expand the hot bar to 30 items?

Switching the hot bars is not that comfortable.

Re: Hot Bar

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:30 am
by Ardagan
I think that it depends how you estimate Hot Bar.

If it is something like belt -- it can't have too many items.
If it is a regular hotbar, then I'd suggest to expand it to at least 20-40 items (or amount of item-types in game) so that each slot can have hot-key. (yes, I like playing piano. Had one in WoW and not only)

in any case, I'd like to see
1)second row of belt accessible via hot-keys
2) option to see both rows altogether. Would help to arrange items alot.

Re: Hot Bar

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:31 am
by Arakasi
I think, that hot bar should be suitable for the most recent/used items and it is usually less than 10. I am quite satisfied with the number.

But if anybody wants to have more than it should be configurable somehow.

- show more/all hotbar items while holding some hotkey
- show more rows of hotbar while entering hotbar area with mouse (inspired by Diablo 2)

both proposes does not affect hotkeys for picking item (1-5 + shift 1-5), but other items must be picked by mouse only.