So, how long will your Factory have power? I can help!
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 1:59 am
Steam Power. It'll last you quiiite a while. Probably. But the question is, exactly HOW long? At what point will you have to think about looking for another coal deposit? While I can't answer the second question, I can certainly help you answer the first! By following the... following... you'll know how long your Coal deposit will last!
For those wondering about background, this was something that I decided to figure out on Colonelwill's Megabase stream. How long a particular buffer will last for, assuming it was full.
Anyway! To determine how long a specific coal (S)upply will last:
(B)oiler Stack num = Num of lines X 14*
Number of (R)otations = S/B
(T)ime in secs = R X 13**
Final time in hours = T/60/60
*A Boiler line is 14 Boilers
**1 Coal burns for 13 secs, assuming boilers are working at full capacity
So, if we assume:
Boilers are working at full capacity
There is 336k Coal in storage
The Boiler burn times are:
1 Boiler line: 86.6 Hours
2 Boiler lines: 43.3 Hours
4 Boiler lines: 21.6 Hours
(These numbers are truncated)
I made this about two or so hours ago. So any glaring issues, feel free to speak up.
For those wondering about background, this was something that I decided to figure out on Colonelwill's Megabase stream. How long a particular buffer will last for, assuming it was full.
Anyway! To determine how long a specific coal (S)upply will last:
(B)oiler Stack num = Num of lines X 14*
Number of (R)otations = S/B
(T)ime in secs = R X 13**
Final time in hours = T/60/60
*A Boiler line is 14 Boilers
**1 Coal burns for 13 secs, assuming boilers are working at full capacity
So, if we assume:
Boilers are working at full capacity
There is 336k Coal in storage
The Boiler burn times are:
1 Boiler line: 86.6 Hours
2 Boiler lines: 43.3 Hours
4 Boiler lines: 21.6 Hours
(These numbers are truncated)
I made this about two or so hours ago. So any glaring issues, feel free to speak up.