Since I've been experimenting around with the topic the past 8 months I'd say:
Furnaces: Productivity Modules (Since they can't be put inside Beacons)
Beacons: Speed Modules
I'm with DerivePi on the Efficiency Modules... When using Beacons the EM's disqualify themselves automatically because there is NO combination of EM's with PM's that will ever result in something useful and since Energy/Power is basically for free it makes no sense to use them. I did the math on that with some excel sheets and basically the Beacons kill the efficiency anyways due to them being a constant power drain. So one has to make sure that the furnaces are working 24/7 or otherwise using beacons just doesn't pay off in the first place.
While I understand DerivePi's opinion of not using Speed Modules in favor of having more furnaces instead, but since there is no other option on what to use you eventually have to put Speed Modules in the Beacons.
The Speed Modules have the nice sideeffect that you will need less Furnaces, therefore less space, allowing more compact solutions, which is especially interesting if you are aiming for high throughput because I would just hate to have HUGE arrays of furnaces because one needs 150-200 or more furnaces to get the througput needed to do some of the ridiculous stuff some people are doing. With Beacons using Speed Modules you can cut the amount of furnaces needed to a fifth or something in that magnitude if I remember my math correctly.
Also using the PM's in furnaces + SM's in beacons results in MUCH less power drain than furnaces using PM's but without Beacons pushing their speed. But that is only the case if, like said before, the furnaces are running 24/7 without interruption.
Here is one of my smart furnace setups using beacons:
- bla1.jpg (402.89 KiB) Viewed 60650 times
The furnaces are filled with PM3s and the Beacons with SM3s. The speed at which the furnaces work and the overall throughput is just ridiculous, believe me. Something about 34000 Plates/min (570 Plates/sec) theoretical limit.
I never managed to push it to its theoretical limit yet due to the trains being the bottleneck on that map and I have no real motivation to change that ever since I started over with a new map.
Here are some other Power/Item comparisons:
Above setup: 0.19 MW/U
Furnace only using PM3, no beacons: 0.28 MW/U <- above setup better than without beacons.
Furnace only using SM3s, no beacons: 0.11 MW/U
Furnace only using EM2s, no beacons: 0.02 MW/U <- obviously winner if one doesn't care about productivity.
Furnace without Modules/Beacons: 0.09 MW/U
So it is far more efficient to use Beacons filled with Speed Modules together with Furnaces
when using Productivity modules.
Comparison for Items/min (Items/sec) and Total Power required:
Above setup (52 furnaces, 70 Beacons): 34042 U/min (567 U/sec), 108.34 MW
338 furnaces using 2 PM3 each, no beacons: 34070 U/min (568 U/sec), 158.18 MW
142 furnaces using 2 SM3 each, no beacons: 34080 U/min (568 U/sec), 61.34 MW
284 furnaces using 2 EM2 each, no beacons: 34080 U/min (568 U/sec), 10.22 MW
284 furnaces without Modules/Beacons: 34080 U/min (568 U/sec), 51.12 MW
So basically you save a lot of furnaces but at the cost of power.
I haven't done any calculations on the resource investment breakeven-point... since honestly I don't really care about how much resources go into crafting furnaces/beacons/modules because at some point I don't really know what else to do with the resources anyways. But if someone wants to do that based on my numbers feel free to do so.