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I decided to stop monitoring this place daily
Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:52 pm
by MF-
I just want to let you know, that I won't actively monitor/poll this forum anymore.
I RSS-subscribed to the posts in the News section. (-> I'll still stay mostly in touch)
I RSS-subscribed to "new topics", will see how that will work. (It will probably impact long-running threads, but will see..)
I believe I'll still be passively reading most of posts.
I am still eager to see what's in next (And still intend to buy the scenario pack, which I haven't done yet..)
Good luck everyone, have fun.
Re: I decided to stop monitoring this place daily
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:47 am
by ssilk
Sad. Now I have to discuss with myself...
Re: I decided to stop monitoring this place daily
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:42 am
by Arakasi
ssilk wrote:Sad. Now I have to discuss with myself...
If you express yourself in more compact way and your posts won't be written on two pages I will discuss with you. But reading your posts nowadays is realy exhausting.
No offence, but your productivity with combination of very long posts with lot of cross-links to other posts keeps me confused. I often forget what you wrote at the beginning when I finally reach the end.
Re: I decided to stop monitoring this place daily
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:21 pm
by ssilk
I know.
It is really not like that my posts are thought to be easy understandable.
You must know, I see me in the role of a software-tester. This means using the software, finding bugs; thats stupid. But also test, if the game makes fun. This is a complicated and chaotic job - but for me it is fun, because it is also a very creative part.
This in mind the texts are thought as a very detailed description for a product-owner ( ) to write tickets for a programmer or a programmer can read parts of a user-story out of it. ( ) . I think the bigger posts must be read more often, but then it should be possible to create a very clear description, of what has to be programmed. And it should also be easy to change or discuss them, if wanted or needed - which is always so...
But I admit, writing such big posts is also a very difficult and time-consuming job - difficult because the most obvious solution is not always the best (it takes days to come from an simple idea to a point which is useable - for example the idea with the factories took me about 2 weeks from the first idea to the first post and I wrote a hole block of paper full with drawings to prove, that it would work as described) and time-consuming - uhhh - it takes some hours to write it. And I don't know if anyone reads it. And if anyone likes to be told what to program and how. And if others will like the idea.
So, when I admit that all, what remains is, that long posts are a stupid idea and only explainable as a valve for my creativity, because when I don't write down my ideas plug my mind.
I will try to make them much shorter.
Re: I decided to stop monitoring this place daily
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:18 am
by slpwnd
I personally find your posts of high quality. Long posts are not automatically stupid or boring. However they are intimidating.
This is true in general I suppose. Let's say there is a news article title that catches my eye. So I click the link and 3-pages long post comes out. Well now I am kind of reluctant to go through the whole thing because I know it will take a lot of time and concentration from me. So instead I tend to scan through do a bit of speed reading and parsing to check whether the whole thing is worth it or not. Similar applies to reading forum posts.
We try to read most (if not all) the posts on the forum. There is plenty of gold in here regarding ideas, suggestions and potential improvements. We don't reply to everything for couple of reasons. The idea might be something we though of earlier and neglected. Or we don't get the point of the post and need to move on to get things done. Or the idea is good but it would require significant time-costly changes. However we use the existing posts sort of as a reference. When we decide to implement some feature or come up with an idea we often use search on the forum to lookup discussions about that topic and read through. In this regard the discussions are really useful for us not just now but in the long run.
Anyway, drifting off a bit. Keep posting but be more conscise if possible;)
Re: I decided to stop monitoring this place daily
Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:53 pm
by Linguini
I read this post time some time ago and now found it useful to post my question regarding to RSS feed...
I want to know if possible where are the RSS links for specific parts of the forum and the forum itself (the whole), and if there's any possibility to subscribe to receive news by email.
Atom-feed seems to be broken
Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:46 am
by ssilk
Normally under
See also here:
But it seem, there is a problem with it:
Code: Select all
Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="" xml:lang="en-gb">
<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="" />
The page is not Atom-XML, it sends "2000" at the start and "0" at the end (would like to say this is forgotten debug-code, because it is the style I sometimes use for that