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Re: 2^x vs y*10^x

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 8:57 pm
by sillyfly
I invoke this thread, necro'ing it from it's long-long slumber, because I think we can all learn from this case, regarding the recently mentioned possibility of loader/unloader entity.

Change can seem intimidating, and "why mess with something that works" is a very natural reaction, but sometimes change can be good, and it takes time to get used to it.
How many here remember the times when stack sizes were powers of 2? How many miss these times?
Anyone who didn't know about Factorio back then find himself thinking "Why aren't stack sizes powers of 2?"

I'm curious about these questions :D

Re: 2^x vs y*10^x

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 9:01 pm
by Koub
I remember it, and I don't miss 2^x stacks, because I voted for 10^x :)

[Edit] I'll add some more about my opinion on (un)loader as it is presented. I'm not against change, but some changes feel right in my guts for the future of Factorio, and some just don't. The presented loader is in the second category. Unrelated comparison : someone suggested one day to add zombies as ennemies. I voted no, not because I was afraid of the change, but because it felt wrong ^^.

Re: 2^x vs y*10^x

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 2:48 am
by Jackalope_Gaming
Had I seen this when it was up I would have certainly voted for powers of 10. In fact, I'd go so far as to say everything should stack to at least 10 (looking at you, locomotives and cargo wagons).

Our number system is set up in base 10 so it makes much more sense and is easier for people to use if the stack sizes in Factorio are also base 10.

No zombies please. Factorio is about crashing on an alien world and then building up resources, not about fighting derp zombies or other undead. The official game should confine itself to aliens and maybe some other humans on the planet who also crashed or intentionally set up camp and don't like neighbors but might be persuaded to not kill the player character on sight. Renegade robots are also a possibility.