Explanation of detailed save-info-stats?

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Fast Inserter
Fast Inserter
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Joined: Wed Apr 26, 2017 11:29 pm

Explanation of detailed save-info-stats?

Post by someone1337 »

Out of personal interest: would anyone share any details what the detailed saveing stats mean?
Also: can we get per-force and per-surface stats?

For example, what is *.targetable or surface.hidden-tiles?
I added a few comments to things I consider obvious.

Code: Select all

Info AsyncScenarioSaver.cpp:149: Saving process PID: 28530
LuaGameScript.cpp:780: level state size: 525 bytes.
LuaGameScript.cpp:780: mod-Automatic_Train_Painter state size: 11 bytes. // mod's lua variables? 11 bytes == None.
BlueprintShelf.cpp:720: Saving blueprint storage.
Serialiser.cpp:37: blueprint-library 7641kB // Is this the external (blueprint-storage.dat) + internal BP lib?
Serialiser.cpp:37: circuit-network 18kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: electric-network-manager 833kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: force-data 15kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: force-data.build-count-statistics 1785kB //likely obvious
Serialiser.cpp:37: force-data.chart 15852kB // what each force sees in their minimap?
Serialiser.cpp:37: force-data.chart.targetable 0kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: force-data.custom-prototypes 92kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: force-data.fluid-production-statistics 149kB //likely obvious
Serialiser.cpp:37: force-data.item-production-statistics 2566kB //likely obvious
Serialiser.cpp:37: force-data.kill-count-statistics 600kB //likely obvious
Serialiser.cpp:37: force-data.logistic-manager 49kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: force-data.logistic-manager.targetable 0kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: id-mapping 67kB  // there was a FFF about this, i guess
Serialiser.cpp:37: map-mod-settings 2kB // I have disabled map based mod settings before starting this map, are they still in there?
Serialiser.cpp:37: save-helpers 505kB // there was a FFF about this, i guess
Serialiser.cpp:37: surface 35kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: surface.chunk 5989kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: surface.chunk.decoratives 5366kB // decoratives lying aroud?
Serialiser.cpp:37: surface.chunk.entity 163349kB // decoratives placed in map?
Serialiser.cpp:37: surface.chunk.entity.targetable 825kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: surface.chunk.tiles 15084kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: surface.commander 44kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: surface.commander.targetable 0kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: surface.compiled-map-gen-settings 93kB //likely obvious
Serialiser.cpp:37: surface.hidden-tiles 1kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: surface.map-generation-manager 0kB // pending map generation queue?
Serialiser.cpp:37: surface.path-finder 22kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: targetable 0kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: train-manager 204kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: train-manager.targetable 0kB
Serialiser.cpp:37: transport-belt-serialiser 6883kB // there was a FFF about this, i guess
Info ChildProcessAgent.cpp:60: Child 28530 exited with return value 0

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