Websocket or Something = Console Spamm
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:45 am
I have set up a Factorio server with mods on Windows. all is fine, but i get keep alive messenges. Is there a way to stop that (version 0.17.79)
German: Ich habe einen mod server aufgesetzt der auf Windows läuft. Leider sendet er die ganze zeit keepalive nachrichten in Minuten takt (Version:0.17.79)
Code: Select all
34.564 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-RampantArsenal state size: 220 bytes.
34.565 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-robot_attrition state size: 109 bytes.
34.565 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-robot_attrition state size: 109 bytes.
34.565 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-shortwave state size: 26 bytes.
34.565 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-shortwave state size: 26 bytes.
34.566 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-Orbital Ion Cannon state size: 325 bytes.
34.567 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-Orbital Ion Cannon state size: 325 bytes.
34.583 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-aai-programmable-vehicles state size: 92676 bytes.
34.601 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-aai-programmable-vehicles state size: 92676 bytes.
34.602 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-Bio_Industries state size: 3466 bytes.
34.604 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-Bio_Industries state size: 3466 bytes.
34.842 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-Rampant state size: 869440 bytes.
35.077 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-Rampant state size: 869440 bytes.
35.137 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-space-exploration state size: 503496 bytes.
35.199 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-space-exploration state size: 503496 bytes.
35.199 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-Hovercrafts state size: 202 bytes.
35.199 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-Hovercrafts state size: 202 bytes.
35.200 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-Krastorio state size: 26 bytes.
35.200 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-Krastorio state size: 26 bytes.
35.203 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-DiscoScience state size: 22013 bytes.
35.205 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:693: mod-DiscoScience state size: 22013 bytes.
35.206 Verbose Scenario.cpp:351: Map setup finished: 1.694317 seconds.
35.221 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (IP ADDR:({}))
35.221 Hosting game at IP ADDR:({})
35.221 Verbose RouterBase.cpp:60: Started router thread.
35.221 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading https://auth.factorio.com/generate-server-padlock-2
35.330 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:109: Obtained serverPadlock for serverHash (KOosRAyhe93Ls9hNpsucRniLTLKtBTHZ) from the auth server.
35.331 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:776: updateTick(3325486) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InGame)
35.416 Info ServerRouter.cpp:618: Asking pingpong servers (pingpong1.factorio.com:34197, pingpong2.factorio.com:34197, pingpong3.factorio.com:34197, pingpong4.factorio.com:34197) for own address
35.417 Info UDPSocket.cpp:39: Opening socket for broadcast
35.418 Info Main.cpp:938: Maximum segment size = 100; minimum segment size = 25; maximum-segment-size peer count = 10; minimum-segment-size peer count = 20
35.521 Info ServerRouter.cpp:497: Own address is IP ADDR:({}) (confirmed by pingpong1)
35.521 Verbose MatchingServer.cpp:99: Sending create request for game(4294967295) to matching server
35.522 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading https://multiplayer.factorio.com/create-game
35.538 Info ServerRouter.cpp:497: Own address is IP ADDR:({}) (confirmed by pingpong3)
35.605 Info ServerRouter.cpp:497: Own address is IP ADDR:({}) (confirmed by pingpong4)
36.071 Info MatchingServer.cpp:114: Matching server game `7306109` has been created.
36.080 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:705: Matching server connection resumed
50.545 Verbose ServerRouter.cpp:158: Sending keepalive nat punch request to pingpong server.
65.522 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading https://multiplayer.factorio.com/post-game-heartbeat/7306109
65.569 Verbose ServerRouter.cpp:158: Sending keepalive nat punch request to pingpong server.
80.586 Verbose ServerRouter.cpp:158: Sending keepalive nat punch request to pingpong server.
95.523 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading https://multiplayer.factorio.com/post-game-heartbeat/7306109
100.259 Verbose ServerRouter.cpp:158: Sending keepalive nat punch request to pingpong server.
120.257 Verbose ServerRouter.cpp:158: Sending keepalive nat punch request to pingpong server.
125.522 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading https://multiplayer.factorio.com/post-game-heartbeat/7306109
135.270 Verbose ServerRouter.cpp:158: Sending keepalive nat punch request to pingpong server.
150.299 Verbose ServerRouter.cpp:158: Sending keepalive nat punch request to pingpong server.
155.522 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading https://multiplayer.factorio.com/post-game-heartbeat/7306109
165.306 Verbose ServerRouter.cpp:158: Sending keepalive nat punch request to pingpong server.
180.320 Verbose ServerRouter.cpp:158: Sending keepalive nat punch request to pingpong server.
185.523 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading https://multiplayer.factorio.com/post-game-heartbeat/7306109
195.340 Verbose ServerRouter.cpp:158: Sending keepalive nat punch request to pingpong server.
210.355 Verbose ServerRouter.cpp:158: Sending keepalive nat punch request to pingpong server.
215.522 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading https://multiplayer.factorio.com/post-game-heartbeat/7306109
225.380 Verbose ServerRouter.cpp:158: Sending keepalive nat punch request to pingpong server.
240.397 Verbose ServerRouter.cpp:158: Sending keepalive nat punch request to pingpong server.
245.522 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading https://multiplayer.factorio.com/post-game-heartbeat/7306109
255.410 Verbose ServerRouter.cpp:158: Sending keepalive nat punch request to pingpong server.