[0.18.17] Error trying to connect to MP server Invalid packet (type ServerToClientHeartbeat) with 10G Nic
Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 5:32 pm
So, since a few days (weeks ?) I can't connect to some MP servers (others work perfectly)
The error in the log is Invalid packet (type ServerToClientHeartbeat) received from IP ADDR:({}): heartbeat sequence number (553786) outside latency window [552986, 553786)
The attached zip includes full log, network trace, and a wireshark connection of all transactions between me and the server during this attempt.
Server was ColonellWill's, Vanilla playthrough, no mods.
Same error with steam, or fresh install from factorio.com
I have a 10g fiber, and no issues with any other games, so I don't think it's on my side, but everyone else could connect without issues, so I'm not absolutely ruling it out.
I have a 55ms ping with the server, and a traceroute shows no abnormalities
A quick look at Wireshark trace indicates no packet or sequence errors
Tried several public MP servers, some work, some produce the same error.
Server log indicates nothing special either.
The error in the log is Invalid packet (type ServerToClientHeartbeat) received from IP ADDR:({}): heartbeat sequence number (553786) outside latency window [552986, 553786)
The attached zip includes full log, network trace, and a wireshark connection of all transactions between me and the server during this attempt.
Server was ColonellWill's, Vanilla playthrough, no mods.
Same error with steam, or fresh install from factorio.com
I have a 10g fiber, and no issues with any other games, so I don't think it's on my side, but everyone else could connect without issues, so I'm not absolutely ruling it out.
I have a 55ms ping with the server, and a traceroute shows no abnormalities
A quick look at Wireshark trace indicates no packet or sequence errors
Tried several public MP servers, some work, some produce the same error.
Server log indicates nothing special either.