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Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:47 pm
by distortions864
I've looked around, and I couldn't find any information.
One of Factorio's command like arguments is --slope-shade-property SHADEPROP
But I haven't found any additional info... What other properties can we use?

Re: slope-shade-property

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 7:25 pm
by Jap2.0
The only things I'm finding that may be relevant are , , and (none of which specifically give other possible parameters).

Re: slope-shade-property

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 7:51 am
by Honktown
It says 'property': That's a specific term. ... enSettings

Code: Select all

property_expression_names :: dictionary string → string: Overrides for tile property value generators. Values either name a NamedNoiseExpression or can be literal numbers, stored as strings (e.g. "5"). All other controls can be overridden by a property expression names. Notable properties:
moisture - a value between 0 and 1 that determines whether a tile becomes sandy (low moisture) or grassy (high moisture).
aux - a value between 0 and 1 that determines whether low-moisture tiles become sand or red desert.
temperature - provides a value (vaguely representing degrees Celsius, varying between -20 and 50) that is used (together with moisture and aux) as part of tree and decorative placement.
elevation - tiles values less than zero become water. Cliffs are placed along certain contours according to CliffPlacementSettings.
cliffiness - determines whether (when >0.5) or not (when <0.5) a cliff will be placed at an otherwise suitable (according to CliffPlacementSettings) location.
enemy-base-intensity - a number that is referenced by both enemy-base-frequency and enemy-base-radius. i.e. if this is overridden, enemy base frequency and size will both be affected and do something reasonable. By default, this expression returns a value proportional to distance from any starting point, clamped at about 7.
enemy-base-frequency - a number representing average number of enemy bases per tile for a region, by default in terms of enemy-base-intensity.
enemy-base-radius - a number representing the radius of an enemy base, if one were to be placed on the given tile, by default proportional to a constant plus enemy-base-intensity.
It might make sense to see wetness shaded, or temperature. Would be used with --slope-shading SHADEAMOUNT

Re: slope-shade-property

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 10:36 pm
by distortions864
awesome, thanks I wasn't finding it.
Now there is a post people can find on forums/google :).