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Multiplayer Achievement, How to know %?

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 7:18 am
by xng
We are 2 people playing for achievements on a server, but we're both old and not on at the same times, and from what I understand you can only get achievements in multiplayer if you've been online for more than 50% of the map time, right?

So how do we see if we're eligable for achievements with regards to this time, so we don't launch the lazy bastard rocket when one of us is just at 49%?

Edit: Also, how does that time count when noone is online but the map is still running? If the map is empty more than 50% of the time, will noone get achievements?

Re: Multiplayer Achievement, How to know %?

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:33 pm
by Ranger_Aurelien
I believe you see your % when you go into the Achievements menu while playing the map (or at least your time vs map time).

Also, it looks like it auto pauses, as in 0.12.11 they added a "-no-auto-pause" as an option:
" 0.12.11:
Added --no-auto-pause: When running as a server, --no-auto-pause will prevent stopping the game when no players are connected."

Re: Multiplayer Achievement, How to know %?

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 6:41 am
by xng
Ranger_Aurelien wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:33 pm I believe you see your % when you go into the Achievements menu while playing the map (or at least your time vs map time).
Thanks! I can see it there, but it doesn't work very well, haha =)

photo_2019-08-09_08-39-19.jpg (11.75 KiB) Viewed 1582 times

I've built most of that base.

(Note: We have auto pause on, but it would be nice to know if no players on the map for more than 50% of the time invalidates all achievements)