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[0.17.10] Crash when ctrl+clicking inside a full chest which is just being deconstructed

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 9:26 pm
by jarcionek
Steps to reproduce:

1. Place a steel chest
2. Fill it with some items (in my case it was ~400 red circuits)
3. Equip a power armor with roboports
4. Mark chest for deconstruction - robots will start moving red circuits from chest to your inventory
5. Open a chest
6. Ctrl+click inside the chest

Expected: Remaining circuits are transferred to inventory, robots realise that they have nothing to do and return to inventory empty-handed
Actual: Crash

Re: [0.17.10] Crash when ctrl+clicking inside a full chest which is just being deconstructed

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 2:00 pm
by Rseding91
Update to 0.17.11 and this is fixed.