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Factorio account problem

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 7:54 pm
by napstrike
Hello there. In the past, I don't know why, but I have set up two different factorio accounts. One is named napstrike, the other one is for some reason named after my real name and surname. I think the napstrike account was set-up to try the demo, and when I actually bought the game I forgot about its existence and just created a second account (the "NameSurname" one) and linked my steam to that one.
Today, I tried to play multiplayer and realized that my ingame name was literally my name and surname, a huge security risk, so I tried to change it to my usual alias "napstrike". There was no name change option in the games options menu, so, I logged in to my account and tried changing the account name to napstrike. It, of course, didn't work because that name was taken (by me, in the past). So I logged in to the napstrike's account(thankfully it had the same password) hoping to find an option to delete it. There was none.

Now, I can unlink my steam account from the "NameSurname" account, and link it back in the "napstrike" account, but then the emails would be a problem. See, the "NameSurname" account uses my legitimate e-mail that I always check, and the "napstrike" account uses my secondary e-mail that I use with potential spammy websites (and I never ever check that). What the hell am I supposed to do now?

Re: Factorio account problem

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 7:57 pm
by Bilka
How about changing the email on the "napstrike" account? If that does not work, email support and they will sort you out.