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Map-settings.json notation for advanced settings

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 3:38 pm
by HerrGohlem

i Need help to understand the Map-settings.json.
I would like that pollution does not dissolve and spreads very widely.

What Settings is Need to Change

Kind regards

Re: Server Settings Pollution

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 3:49 pm
by Jap2.0
In the advanced settings, reduce the diffusion ratio to 1% (this controls how much pollution spreads) and increase the dissipation rate (how fast pollution is absorbed by terrain) as you see fit.

Re: Map-settings.json notation for advanced settings

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:10 pm
by Loewchen
Increase "diffusion_ratio" and decrease what I assume is "dissipation_rate".

Re: Map-settings.json notation for advanced settings

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 5:35 pm
by Jap2.0
Loewchen wrote:Increase "diffusion_ratio" and decrease what I assume is "dissipation_rate".
The opposite, actually - the diffusion_ratio is the percent that spreads to neighboring chunks, so he'd want to decrease that, and dissipation_rate is how fast it is absorbed, so he'd want to increase that.

Re: Map-settings.json notation for advanced settings

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 6:19 pm
by Loewchen
Jap2.0 wrote:
Loewchen wrote:Increase "diffusion_ratio" and decrease what I assume is "dissipation_rate".
The opposite, actually - the diffusion_ratio is the percent that spreads to neighboring chunks, so he'd want to decrease that, and dissipation_rate is how fast it is absorbed, so he'd want to increase that.
But he wants it to spread further and not dissolve, does he not?

Re: Map-settings.json notation for advanced settings

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 6:45 pm
by Jap2.0
Loewchen wrote:
Jap2.0 wrote:
Loewchen wrote:Increase "diffusion_ratio" and decrease what I assume is "dissipation_rate".
The opposite, actually - the diffusion_ratio is the percent that spreads to neighboring chunks, so he'd want to decrease that, and dissipation_rate is how fast it is absorbed, so he'd want to increase that.
But he wants it to spread further and not dissolve, does he not?
I read that wrong, now I feel dumb. :oops:

Listen to Loewchen, not me.

Re: Map-settings.json notation for advanced settings

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 9:10 pm
by HerrGohlem
Thank you for your Help

It dont work :-(

Code: Select all

     "recipe_difficulty": 0,
     "technology_difficulty": 0,
     "technology_price_multiplier": 1
    "enabled": true,
    "_comment_min_to_diffuse_1": "these are values for 60 ticks (1 simulated second)",
    "_comment_min_to_diffuse_2": "amount that is diffused to neighboring chunk",
    "min_pollution_to_damage_trees": 3500,
    "pollution_with_max_forest_damage": 10000,
    "pollution_per_tree_damage": 2000,
    "pollution_restored_per_tree_damage": 500,
    "max_pollution_to_restore_trees": 1000
    "enabled": true,
    "time_factor": 0.000004,
    "destroy_factor": 0.002,
    "pollution_factor": 0.000015
    "enabled": true,
    "min_base_spacing": 3,
    "max_expansion_distance": 7,
    "friendly_base_influence_radius": 2,
    "enemy_building_influence_radius": 2,
    "building_coefficient": 0.1,
    "other_base_coefficient": 2.0,
    "neighbouring_chunk_coefficient": 0.5,
    "neighbouring_base_chunk_coefficient": 0.4,
    "max_colliding_tiles_coefficient": 0.9,
    "settler_group_min_size": 5,
    "settler_group_max_size": 20,
    "min_expansion_cooldown": 14400,
    "max_expansion_cooldown": 216000
    "min_group_gathering_time": 3600,
    "max_group_gathering_time": 36000,
    "max_wait_time_for_late_members": 7200,
    "max_group_radius": 30.0,
    "min_group_radius": 5.0,
    "max_member_speedup_when_behind": 1.4,
    "max_member_slowdown_when_ahead": 0.6,
    "max_group_slowdown_factor": 0.3,
    "max_group_member_fallback_factor": 3,
    "member_disown_distance": 10,
    "tick_tolerance_when_member_arrives": 60,
    "max_gathering_unit_groups": 30,
    "max_unit_group_size": 200
      "radius": 1.2,
      "separation_force": 0.005,
      "separation_factor": 1.2,
      "force_unit_fuzzy_goto_behavior": false
      "radius": 3,
      "separation_force": 0.01,
      "separation_factor": 3,
      "force_unit_fuzzy_goto_behavior": false
    "fwd2bwd_ratio": 5,
    "goal_pressure_ratio": 2,
    "max_steps_worked_per_tick": 100,
    "use_path_cache": true,
    "short_cache_size": 5,
    "long_cache_size": 25,
    "short_cache_min_cacheable_distance": 10,
    "short_cache_min_algo_steps_to_cache": 50,
    "long_cache_min_cacheable_distance": 30,
    "cache_max_connect_to_cache_steps_multiplier": 100,
    "cache_accept_path_start_distance_ratio": 0.2,
    "cache_accept_path_end_distance_ratio": 0.15,
    "negative_cache_accept_path_start_distance_ratio": 0.3,
    "negative_cache_accept_path_end_distance_ratio": 0.3,
    "cache_path_start_distance_rating_multiplier": 10,
    "cache_path_end_distance_rating_multiplier": 20,
    "stale_enemy_with_same_destination_collision_penalty": 30,
    "ignore_moving_enemy_collision_distance": 5,
    "enemy_with_different_destination_collision_penalty": 30,
    "general_entity_collision_penalty": 10,
    "general_entity_subsequent_collision_penalty": 3,
    "max_clients_to_accept_any_new_request": 10,
    "max_clients_to_accept_short_new_request": 100,
    "direct_distance_to_consider_short_request": 100,
    "short_request_max_steps": 1000,
    "short_request_ratio": 0.5,
    "min_steps_to_check_path_find_termination": 2000,
    "start_to_goal_cost_multiplier_to_terminate_path_find": 500.0
  "max_failed_behavior_count": 3

Re: Map-settings.json notation for advanced settings

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 9:20 am
by HerrGohlem
Sorry but i cant find the dissipation_rate

Re: Map-settings.json notation for advanced settings

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 10:11 am
by Loewchen
HerrGohlem wrote:Sorry but i cant find the dissipation_rate
You need to add it.