What is most UPS unfriendly in Factorio?
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:03 pm
Well.. my laptop definitely isn't high end..
So, when I'm designing mega factory I have to look not only for best factory performance but mostly about best computer performance.
I have a concept of a 10k beakers/min factory that im trying to implement, however im concerned about an impact on my UPS it will have..
I've built recently a 3k beakers/min factory and it was running at 30ups/fps max when at full production (and 100k bots flying around at the same time )
So my question is, what designs are most ups unfriendly. What should I avoid (and everyone not having high-end PC).
Are 100 fully beaconed assemblers ( about 600 entities counting assemblers and beacons) more ups friendly than a 900 of non beaconed?
My plan is: ~5k of fully beaconed assemblers, nearly 9k fully beaconed furnaces, lots of chemical plants, refineries, centrifuges etc. + nearly 100k of beacons. [ and is there a way to disable certain entities animation? like beacons e.g.?]
Are Individual logistic areas for every production part of my factory is better than a "monolith" kind of a factory?
Are laser turrets more UPS friendly than gun turrets? I like to build a perimeter using both but I'm guessing that 100k+ of gun turrets must have some impact on my UPS. They have to request a clip if they are short of one.
Im playing on a death world. Well, I've even tweak a little evolution/pollution settings to make a world a little harder
I'm not trying to guess the numbers so here is the snap: Is the presence of.. lets say "a lot" of biters is what will cause most of my UPS problems?
Next thing, trains.. I love them and I'm using them pretty much everywhere possible My future nuclear plant will be water feeded by tank trains. I am aware this will have HUGE impact on my UPS (640 reactors plant, 100GW) but it is a sacrifice that i can make. I want to check if it is possible to do this on such a scale .. What I'm asking is, is it matter for UPS case that all of my water trains are in same "network", they have same destinations and choose loading/unloading stations in a simple way, stations are disabled if occupied. Would it be better if every station had different names and an one/few assigned train/s?
Only a nuclear plan will have 640 water unloading stations. Probably with more than one train (1 loco+1 tank wagon) assigned for each. And then, to provide enough resources for whole factory (about 1M iron ore and 500K copper ore per minute) I'll need few hundreds outpost trains (those will be 10+ wagons)
About artillery and radars.. is artillery trains/stationary artillery/radars giving big impact on UPS? I assume they have to scan their range constantly?
Lastly. I've found, that my UPS drops instantly when arriving at the mining outpost to make some tweaks. Since my outposts will be bot based it isn't a belt issue. Number of bots either, only about 2k on an outpost. Is it caused by an animation of 1k+ drills or or just calculations of "how many ore to subtract and from what spot" [same thing I've asked above, can I somehow disable drill animation?]
I don't bother about FPS issue. My graphic can mostly keep up and even if not it is not a problem for me.
I've already changed my graphic settings to be most UPS friendly, and I'm not buying new computer in the near future so don't post those suggestions
I'll appreciate any substantial answer. Thanks
So, when I'm designing mega factory I have to look not only for best factory performance but mostly about best computer performance.
I have a concept of a 10k beakers/min factory that im trying to implement, however im concerned about an impact on my UPS it will have..
I've built recently a 3k beakers/min factory and it was running at 30ups/fps max when at full production (and 100k bots flying around at the same time )
So my question is, what designs are most ups unfriendly. What should I avoid (and everyone not having high-end PC).
Are 100 fully beaconed assemblers ( about 600 entities counting assemblers and beacons) more ups friendly than a 900 of non beaconed?
My plan is: ~5k of fully beaconed assemblers, nearly 9k fully beaconed furnaces, lots of chemical plants, refineries, centrifuges etc. + nearly 100k of beacons. [ and is there a way to disable certain entities animation? like beacons e.g.?]
Are Individual logistic areas for every production part of my factory is better than a "monolith" kind of a factory?
Are laser turrets more UPS friendly than gun turrets? I like to build a perimeter using both but I'm guessing that 100k+ of gun turrets must have some impact on my UPS. They have to request a clip if they are short of one.
Im playing on a death world. Well, I've even tweak a little evolution/pollution settings to make a world a little harder
I'm not trying to guess the numbers so here is the snap: Is the presence of.. lets say "a lot" of biters is what will cause most of my UPS problems?
Next thing, trains.. I love them and I'm using them pretty much everywhere possible My future nuclear plant will be water feeded by tank trains. I am aware this will have HUGE impact on my UPS (640 reactors plant, 100GW) but it is a sacrifice that i can make. I want to check if it is possible to do this on such a scale .. What I'm asking is, is it matter for UPS case that all of my water trains are in same "network", they have same destinations and choose loading/unloading stations in a simple way, stations are disabled if occupied. Would it be better if every station had different names and an one/few assigned train/s?
Only a nuclear plan will have 640 water unloading stations. Probably with more than one train (1 loco+1 tank wagon) assigned for each. And then, to provide enough resources for whole factory (about 1M iron ore and 500K copper ore per minute) I'll need few hundreds outpost trains (those will be 10+ wagons)
About artillery and radars.. is artillery trains/stationary artillery/radars giving big impact on UPS? I assume they have to scan their range constantly?
Lastly. I've found, that my UPS drops instantly when arriving at the mining outpost to make some tweaks. Since my outposts will be bot based it isn't a belt issue. Number of bots either, only about 2k on an outpost. Is it caused by an animation of 1k+ drills or or just calculations of "how many ore to subtract and from what spot" [same thing I've asked above, can I somehow disable drill animation?]
I don't bother about FPS issue. My graphic can mostly keep up and even if not it is not a problem for me.
I've already changed my graphic settings to be most UPS friendly, and I'm not buying new computer in the near future so don't post those suggestions
I'll appreciate any substantial answer. Thanks