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Changing cliff generation settings in existing save

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:02 pm
by Bresch

So I updated from .15 to .16 and my save got cliffs added by default in the new generation settings. I haven't had a problem with this yet and have just dealt with cliffs in the normal way but now I'm looking to use FARL to start a new base on my ribbonworld and tbh cliffs are making it a nuisance. I'm currently looking into a way to outright turn off new cliffs beeing generated or someway of dealing with them outside of explosives since I have to manually drive the train, stop right before the cliff, blow it up and lay down the track myself if the train failed to put down the track.

found this old thread on hex editing the save file ( ... d_game_in/) but I'm unsure what values to edit. Also I'm using rso if there's any command editing with the mod but I don't know how to edit current settings for rso (if its possible?).

following the thread on hex editing I've located these snippets but I'm unsure what to edit.

Code: Select all

00 00 00 05 63 6C 69 66 66 00 00 20 41 00 00 20 ....cliff.. A.. 

63 6C 69 66 66 02 00 05 cliff..

63 6C 69 66 66 [79] 01 0B 73 6D 61 6C 6C 2D 63 6C 69 66 66 7A 01 0C cliffy..small-cliffz..

63 6C 69 66 66 73 2B 00 09 cliffs+..

63 6C 69 66 66 00 00 20 cliff.. 
Any help or tips are appreciated
Thanks a lot!

Edit: I made a new game with cliffs set as none in size and compared the two level.dat files. Changed everything with a mention of cliff to match the new one but cliffs are still spawning when generating new area.
Although one value got me an error while loading the save if I changed it to whatever the new one said.. So I'm at a loss.. I think changing 79 to 13 (marked [79] ) where it says "cliffy" gave me an error 359 or something.. I can check later today (on mobile now)

I did however find a command for deleting cliffs so if I don't figure this out I'll have to have a macro on loop deleting the cliffs before the train gets there x)

Disclaimer: I more or less copied my thread from reddit thinking this is the proper spot to ask something like this. Also if this is the wrong section feel free to move this thread to the correct section or point me in that direction!
Love you all ❤️

Update: So nobody seems to know how to solve this and I have to move forward. Ended up doing a macro using the command below for anyone interested. had the macro on repeat every 2s and this "solved" the issue although by brute force..

Code: Select all

/c local radius=500
game.player.force.chart(game.player.surface, {{game.player.position.x-radius, game.player.position.y-radius}, {game.player.position.x+radius, game.player.position.y+radius}})
local surface=game.player.surface
for key, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({force="enemy"})) do
for _, entity in ipairs(game.player.surface.find_entities_filtered{ area={{game.player.position.x-200, game.player.position.y-200}, {game.player.position.x+200, game.player.position.y+200}}, type="cliff"}) do entity.destroy() end
For anyone not familiar with commands in factorio this command reveals an area 500 units around the player to spawn enemies and what not before the train gets there and then deletes all nests and biters (actually the next time the command is used because it takes a little while to reveal area) and it then deletes all cliffs in an area of 200 around the player.