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Escape from Escape Hell -- A Tale of Toggling Menus

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 4:24 pm
by pgriss
I started playing last week and I really enjoy it. My only real complaint is that the binding of the Escape key is driving me crazy. I tried to change the control bindings but I could only find one binding for Escape, called "Toggle Menu." In reality, however, the Escape key is doing two entirely different things:

1) Opens and closes the main menu that allows me to Save/Load/Exit etc. I suppose you could call this "Toggle Menu".
2) Dismisses the item dialogs. This is not "Toggle Menu" by any stretch of the imagination.

Am I missing something here or is this a bug? Or is this due to my somewhat unusual setup (Mac with Dvorak keyboard)? If this is by design, I'd love to hear the rationale for it...

In case it's just me and everyone else loves this setup, my problem is this: I want to dismiss item dialogs about 10 times per minute while I want to open the main menu maybe once or twice a day. However, because I often hit the Escape key by accident, I end up opening the main menu by accident, and then I have to close it again, etc. Because of this it feels like I am spending about 5% of my "Factorio time" on fighting the main menu.

I usually hit the Escape key by accident when I want to clear the cursor. I think I understand why the clearing of the cursor and the closing of the item dialogs both can't be tied to the Escape key, but why the opening of the main menu has to be tied to the same key as the closing of the item dialogs is perplexing to me.

Re: Escape from Escape Hell -- A Tale of Toggling Menus

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:48 pm
by Tym
I believe you want to use "E" or sometimes "Q" to 'escape' item menus.

'ESCAPE' is generally used only for the overall game-control/setup/configure menus.

Re: Escape from Escape Hell -- A Tale of Toggling Menus

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 5:44 am
by pgriss
Thank you so much Tym! You are right! There is a separate control called "Close window" which by default is tied to E, which is also the key for "Open character screen". I have only used E to open the inventory and did not realize it can also close the item windows.

I believe if I remap "Close window" to Escape and "Toggle Menu" to F1, that should solve my problem.