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[SOLVED][0.16.5] Mouse can't interact with placed entities

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 5:24 pm
by Naugrim

As the title says im having a problem with my mouse not being able to interact with the game world.
I did notice i am ale to place things down, just not able to open inventories or open machine UI.
The little details thing on the right(below minimap) doesnt appear either whenever i hover over a machine.
This started after the 0.16 update but i dont know if it has anything to do with it

Things i have tried:
restart game
verify game files in steam
reinstall (did fix it untill i restarted my PC)

Things i CAN interact with:
Menu items like buttons,
The hotbar

Things i CANT interact with:
placed entities like assemblers and belts

Thanks in advance.

Re: [0.16.5] Mouse can't interact with placed entities

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 5:25 pm
by Naugrim
I shut down a program called overwolf, it was running in the background and fucking things up with an invisible overlay thing.....