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Low FPS with High-End PC?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 8:25 pm
by hummer1997

my englisch is not the best so i translatet it... :)

Factorio lief bis vor kurzer zeit konstant mit 60 FPS- wie gewohnt.. jetzt läuft factorio mit 30 fps und das komplette spiel verlangsamt! die blauen Förderbänder laufen noch so schnell wie früher die gelben.. :(
Wenn ich eine alte Map lade, dann läuft das Spiel wieder mit 60 fps! wenn das spiel speichere oder einfach das Menü öffne, gehen die FPS sofort auf 60 hoch! wenn ich das Menü schliesse gehen die FPS wieder auf 30 FPS runter..
Ich weiss nicht ob das mit dem Nvidia treiber 378,49 zusammenliegt oder es sonst etwas ist...! bitte helft mir es ist sonst so langweilig. :( ich habe alle steam einstellungen schon versucht, auch alle enemies zu killen hat nicht funktioniert...
habe ich zu viele Logistikroboter? es sind etwa 110K :D

Factorio ran until recently constant with 60 FPS- as usual .. now runs factorio with 30 fps and the whole game slowed down! The blue conveyor belts run as fast as before the yellow .. :(
If I load an old map, then the game runs again with 60 fps! If the game save or simply open the menu, the FPS immediately go up to 60! When I close the menu the FPS again down to 30 FPS ..
I do not know whether the Nvidia driver 378,49 or something else is ...! Please help me it is otherwise so boring. :( I have tried all the steam settings, also all enemies to kill did not work ...
Do I have too many logistics robots? There are about 110K :D

Thank you for your help :)

Re: Low FPS with High-End PC?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:34 pm
by posila
Hi, I tried the map and it is slow because there is lot of stuff on it (mainly belts, mining drills and boilers). It also runs 30/30 on my computer. I tried to load it in current 0.15 dev build and it ran 60/60 and that is without belt optimization we are preparing. But then I realized science and some recipes changed so probably factory just stopped working :)

EDIT: Yeah, the Factory shuts down because of boilers have changed size, so power generation is broken.

Re: Low FPS with High-End PC?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:00 pm
by darkfrei
posila wrote:But then I realized science and some recipes changed so probably factory just stopped working :)
EDIT: Yeah, the Factory shuts down because of boilers have changed size, so power generation is broken.
Is it possible to make a mod, that makes old stuff working again? It is good deconstruct what was changed, but not the all.

Re: Low FPS with High-End PC?

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:16 pm
by hummer1997
Is that mean, I must then rebuild all current generators? This will be a huge expense! ^^ challenge accepted 8-)