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Headless Server (Windows) Crashes With This Error At Random

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:09 pm
by PonceDeLePwn
"factorio_headless_x64_0.14.8" throws this error, seemingly at random, from time to time-
Events that were directly prior to the below error
7272.069 Error MainLoop.cpp:749: Exception at tick 7031938: Sendto ( failed: A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself.

7272.070 Error ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:95: MultiplayerManager failed: "Sendto ( failed: A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself.
7272.071 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:637: mapTick(7031938) changing state from(InGame) to(Failed)

/p o c
7681.674 Info NetworkInputListener.cpp:41: Refusing Input Action [0 65535 ServerCommand] because multiplayer control is not ready
As you can see by the last line, this causes the server to halt.

Any idea why?

Re: Headless Server (Windows) Crashes With This Error At Random

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:34 pm
by GoldenPorkchop80
From what I can tell, your network isn't ready to handle a multiplayer connection.
You're getting buffer overflows, which means either one of two things.
1: You didn't allocate enough RAM to the server process, and it cannot handle everything.
2: You have a potato for you internet setup.

Try fixing both, and then see what happens.

Re: Headless Server (Windows) Crashes With This Error At Random

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:05 pm
by excubated
GoldenPorkchop80 wrote:2: You have a potato for you internet setup.
The lack of Factoriotuberous TCP/UDP compatibility should be explicitly stated in the system requirements section.