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[0.13.6] Crash on Save Load with Mod

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:22 pm
by MrGrim
My game crashed when I attempted to load it with this mod added:


I had updated the mod's info.json to include the "factorio_version": "0.13" necessary to load in 0.13. It's a simple mod that adds 4 Ogg Vorbis tracks to the soundtrack.

I compared it to the base game music entities to see if anything changed there with 0.13, and it doesn't appear to have. I didn't see anything in the release notes for any of the 0.13 updates either.

I cannot reproduce this on a new game. I was, however, able to narrow down the problem to loading my save with only this and one other mod, Hard Crafting 0.4.1. I can reproduce the crash reliably this way. I've made my save, the two mods as I have them, and the crash log available here: ... Crash?dl=0


*EDIT*: OK something weird is going on. It's not that specific mod. It appears to be _any_ new mod or even upgrading an existing one makes this game crash on load.

*EDIT 2*: Alrighty... I nailed the issue down to an issue with the "crusher" entity from the Hard Crafting mod in a blueprint! I cleared all blueprints in the game that had that entity, and voila! No crash!