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Dedicated server settings-json problem

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:03 pm
by erik9631
Hello. I am trying to run a dedicated server with more specific settings but unfortunately it does not seem to work and it is giving me this error.

Missing node (major_version).

It is referring to the json setting file that my server has. It is giving me this error despite having the node major_version there. This is how my server-settings.json looks likes.

Code: Select all

  "major_version": "0.13.3",
  "name": "My game",
  "description": "My game",
  "max_players": "4",
  "visibility": "public",
  "username": "",
  "password": "",
  "token": "",
  "application_version": "22991",
  "game_password": "",
  "verify_user_identity": "true"
First it was giving me the missing application version node error, but as soon as I placed it there the error was no longer shown, but instead it is showing major_version error.

The settings are located in the Factorio\bin\x64 folder, the same where the exe is and the bat file. This is the batch command I am using for launch

Code: Select all

Factorio.exe --server-settings "server-settings.json" --start-server ""
Maybe the issue lies there?
I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you.

Re: Dedicated server settings-json problem

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:17 pm
by xavizus
Which version of Factorio are you running?

Would these settings in service-settings.json work better for you?

Code: Select all

  "name": "My Game",
  "description": "My Game",
  "tags": ["game", "tags"],
  "max_players": "4",

  "_comment_visibility": ["public: Game will be published on the official Factorio matching server",
                          "lan: Game will be broadcast on LAN",
                          "hidden: Game will not be published anywhere"],
  "visibility": "public",

  "_comment_credentials": "Your login credentials. Required for games with visibility public",
  "username": "",
  "password": "",

  "_comment_token": "Authentication token. May be used instead of 'password' above.",
  "token": "",

  "game_password": "",

  "_comment_verify_user_identity": "When set to true, the server will only allow clients that have a valid account",
  "verify_user_identity": true