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Frame Drop near woods

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:13 am
by BestMan
I get very strange frame drops every time i get to some more dense woods.
I tried cutting down some trees and it magically run fluent again so it has to be the trees.
Also its already laggy on a very high zoom lvl.

My setup is:
GTX 760 (1.5G VRAM)
Intel QuadCore i7 4790@3.6GHz
8GB of RAM

So my setup is powerful enough. And it did run smoothly near woods before.

You can see the FPS in the Images in the upper left corner.

Re: Frame Drop near woods

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 8:53 am
by jockeril
You're running on a laptop are you ? That Quadcore and GTX are actually the M versions ?

I guessed it from the G-card Vram size. I have essentially the same setup but on a desktop (with the full 4Gb Vram & 16Gb ram) and no frame drop - certainly not this high...

Also there could be another explanation - you might have destroyed many bases and left the alien artifacts and when you have about a certain count you might see a slowdown in performance - please comment back if I'm right about one or the other - let's fix this for you and others

Re: Frame Drop near woods

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 1:07 pm
by JimiQ
jockeril wrote:You're running on a laptop are you ? That Quadcore and GTX are actually the M versions ?

I guessed it from the G-card Vram size. I have essentially the same setup but on a desktop (with the full 4Gb Vram & 16Gb ram) and no frame drop - certainly not this high...

Also there could be another explanation - you might have destroyed many bases and left the alien artifacts and when you have about a certain count you might see a slowdown in performance - please comment back if I'm right about one or the other - let's fix this for you and others
No, it's definitely the trees. I have the same issue, no alien artifacts around, desktop PC (albeit shit GPU (GeForce 240, 512MB RAM)). And it is in Factorio since 0.10. I already tried to get some solution from developers, to no avail. :|

Re: Frame Drop near woods

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 1:12 pm
by Oxyd
Try lowering your video memory usage (in Options → Graphics). Does that help?

Re: Frame Drop near woods

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 3:29 pm
by devilwarriors
I have the same problem and it's annoying as hell.
I also have a powerful desktop so it's not a laptop issue.
It started 2 or 3 version ago.

At first I thought it was because I'm playing with the toxic jungle mod which go crazy with the amount of tree, but playing with the map editor yesterday I found out it was easy to reproduce with just placing a large forest. The game work fine if your zoomed at 100% but if you dezoom even just a little the game drop to 1-2 FPS really fast.

I found out that restarting my computer fix it temporarily, after a restart I can dezoom to the max level without any lag even with toxic jungle and a plane going fast across the map.

Then after a while of doing something else (game closed), I go in the game again and it's back so I have to restart the computer again to fix it.

don't know if it's a NVIDIA driver issue or what, but I haven't have any problem with other game recently.

Re: Frame Drop near woods

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:16 pm
by Peppe
I was getting this today only with Yuoki's train and core mod (graphics heavy). Either one alone was fine and many other mods were fine with them. Think i had a similar issue with the HD texture pack mod and uninstalled it thinking the mod was at issue.

Dropped the video memory option in the menu from all to high and it cleared right up. Game feels smoother now than I remember before. 0.13.10

Re: Frame Drop near woods

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 1:19 pm
by Neemys
In latest factorio version there seem to have a problem that cause FPS drop. deactivate VSync while dev release a fix. There is already a bug report about that.

Re: Frame Drop near woods

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 6:23 pm
by devilwarriors
Problem came back for me yesterday with yuoki stuff.. restarting the computer fix it like when I was having this issue with toxic jungle.

Re: Frame Drop near woods

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:17 pm
by Neemys
devilwarriors wrote:Problem came back for me yesterday with yuoki stuff.. restarting the computer fix it like when I was having this issue with toxic jungle.
Have you try to deactivate V-Sync ?