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12.19 Multiplayer working, 12.20 not

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:12 am
by VinWij
Hi, the issue is very simple in it's description: my brother and I were playing fine with 12.19, completing the game. After doing so we upgraded to start a new one, and it won't connect. We didn't change anything at all, so all network configs are the same, both own hefty gaming rigs (we are Oculus Rift users) and the absolute only difference is 12.19 to 12.20. We downloaded a zip of 12.19, it connects, start up 12.20, doesn't connect. My gut feeling says something changed in the network code, but we're stuck on 12.19 now.

Any ideas?

Re: 12.19 Multiplayer working, 12.20 not

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:30 pm
by honktronic
Me and my buddy are having the same problems.

We're playing on a LAN with all firewall rules verified, same game version, same mods (none). We've tried everything we can think of and no dice.

Re: 12.19 Multiplayer working, 12.20 not

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:46 pm
by honktronic
UPDATE: I'm on Mac (10.10.5) and he's on Windows 7. When I connect to him it works. When he connects to me it doesn't. No change in settings.

Re: 12.19 Multiplayer working, 12.20 not

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 7:25 pm
by Peter34
If Evolve is available for Mac, can you try using that, and connecting via it instead of connecting normally?