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Multiplayer - can play but not upload map

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:17 pm
by Gravitas
I'm trying to play the game with some friends of mine over the internet. We can start a new game and play for without any problems but as soon as we try to resume play on another occasion, by uploading the map the upload gets 1 or 2 Mb in and then the upload bar starts jumping around and we each get a message that the other players are not responding. The upload also seems to be a great deal larger than the actual save file size. Has anyone else encountered this problem and do you have any ideas how we can work around it?

Re: Multiplayer - can play but not upload map

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:23 pm
by FishSandwich
You could try reducing the size of the save by removing the replay.dat from the zip.

Re: Multiplayer - can play but not upload map

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:27 am
by cube
Gravitas wrote:I'm trying to play the game with some friends of mine over the internet. We can start a new game and play for without any problems but as soon as we try to resume play on another occasion, by uploading the map the upload gets 1 or 2 Mb in and then the upload bar starts jumping around and we each get a message that the other players are not responding. The upload also seems to be a great deal larger than the actual save file size. Has anyone else encountered this problem and do you have any ideas how we can work around it?
Are you on 0.11.22?

Re: Multiplayer - can play but not upload map

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 4:40 pm
by Gravitas
We are all playing 0.11.22. Thanks for the suggestion FishSandwich, it helps for a small save at least, but the problem persists after a save that is a few hours old.

Re: Multiplayer - can play but not upload map

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:23 pm
by cube
There is a bug report for this problem here: ... f=7&t=9426 , We'll continue solving it there.

Re: Multiplayer - can play but not upload map

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:18 pm
by Deathcricket
Hi same problem here, some observations.

Using version 11.22, zero mods, all new players installed about a week ago. We have 3 players on our "world". When the size is small, zero problems, when the file size gets to about 110mb we start having problems. The upload speed is incredibly slow, about 50ms, even though we all have very fast upload speeds. Last showed mine at 15mb up, 30 down. For some reason the guy with the slowest upload connection has the least trouble he's, on a DSL 3up 15down, but he can get the file to all of us no problem. Most trouble is the guy on fiber, almost never can share his world with us. We just try multiple times and it eventually goes through on the 5th attempt with most people though.

It always start failing at 80%, all the time, regardless of the file size difference. My guess is this is when it does some sort of transition into loading or starts reading the partial file in some way, which interrupts the downloading process.


1. Connects to world, pauses for everyone.
2. Starts uploading file at slow but acceptable speed (3 minute eta)
3. At 80% bar starts pinging back and forth as maxed
4. user times out and booted from game.
5. Tries again, 5th time or so it actually works.

Small new map works everytime.

Re: Multiplayer - can play but not upload map

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:52 pm
by Dragir
Got the same problem but at 0.12 , we (a group of 3-4 player) noticed that we get randomly while downloading the map from host, ALL very high packet lost (noticeable at TS [20-40%]). No Mods (Win 7 and 8 mixed [Host always Win7 other players 7 and 8.1 mixed]) We tried different Networks (Hamachi / Evolve[better succes at dl map]) , we are all Germany and live within 20 KM (12.43 miles)

Our connection while not DL the map is always fine. All needed ports are free, turned everything unneeded off.