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Headless server is not browsable anymore

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 5:43 pm
by Gornil
I've been running a headless server since release of 2.0 and had no issues with it being browsable in the multiplayer browser. But after 2.0.22 it just dissapeared and I cant understand why it's not browsable any more.

The server is connectable directly by IP:Port.

Below is the console log after start of the server. Any tips is highly appreciated!

Code: Select all

     0.007 Write data path: /opt/factorio [13163/30720MB]
    0.046 System info: [CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 16 cores, RAM: 15931 MB]
    0.046 Environment: DISPLAY=<unset> WAYLAND_DISPLAY=<unset> DESKTOP_SESSION=<unset> XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=<unset> XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=<unset> SDL_VIDEODRIVER=<unset> __GL_FSAA_MODE=<unset> __GL_LOG_MAX_ANISO=<unset> __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=<unset> __GL_SORT_FBCONFIGS=<unset> __GL_YIELD=<unset>
    0.078 Audio is disabled
    0.078 Running in headless mode
    0.080 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag expansion-shaders = true
    0.080 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag freezing = true
    0.080 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag quality = true
    0.080 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag rail-bridges = true
    0.080 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag segmented-units = true
    0.080 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag space-travel = true
    0.080 Info ModManager.cpp:434: FeatureFlag spoiling = true
    0.100 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
    0.188 Loading mod base 2.0.23 (data.lua)
    0.916 Loading mod elevated-rails 2.0.23 (data.lua)
    0.986 Loading mod quality 2.0.23 (data.lua)
    1.037 Loading mod space-age 2.0.23 (data.lua)
    1.818 Loading mod base 2.0.23 (data-updates.lua)
    1.837 Loading mod quality 2.0.23 (data-updates.lua)
    1.863 Loading mod space-age 2.0.23 (data-updates.lua)
    2.025 Checksum for core: 2271797277
    2.025 Checksum of base: 2653859856
    2.025 Checksum of elevated-rails: 2929976872
    2.025 Checksum of quality: 1943953612
    2.025 Checksum of space-age: 3216146193
    2.530 Prototype list checksum: 1564524375
    2.605 Info PlayerData.cpp:73: Cloud player-data.json unavailable
    2.605 Info PlayerData.cpp:66: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1733420277
    2.652 Factorio initialised
    2.657 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:20: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(0) initialized Synchronizer nextTickClosureTick(0).
    2.657 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:806: updateTick(18446744073709551615) changing state from(Ready) to(PreparedToHostGame)
    2.657 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:806: updateTick(18446744073709551615) changing state from(PreparedToHostGame) to(CreatingGame)
    2.657 Loading map /opt/factorio/saves/ 34023116 bytes.
    2.674 Loading level.dat: 99241470 bytes.
    2.683 Info Scenario.cpp:178: Map version 2.0.23-0
    4.669 Blueprint storage "blueprint-storage-2.dat" was not found, trying to load previous version storage "blueprint-storage.dat"
    4.669 Loading script.dat: 1222 bytes.
    4.675 Checksum for script __level__/control.lua: 1487321736
    4.700 Info UDPSocket.cpp:32: Opening socket at (IP ADDR:({}))
    4.701 Hosting game at IP ADDR:({})
    4.701 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:55: Downloading
    5.292 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:108: Obtained serverPadlock for serverHash (fifZWYrUFt6omnqicrKGuvx6FK9fxJVG) from the auth server.
    5.292 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:806: updateTick(31894985) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InGame)
    5.572 Info ServerRouter.cpp:664: Asking pingpong servers (,,, for own address
    5.572 Info UDPSocket.cpp:44: Opening socket for broadcast
    5.572 Info RemoteCommandProcessor.cpp:126: Starting RCON interface at IP ADDR:({})
    5.573 Info CommandLineMultiplayer.cpp:288: Maximum segment size = 100; minimum segment size = 25; maximum-segment-size peer count = 10; minimum-segment-size peer count = 20
    5.573 Info RemoteCommandProcessor.cpp:245: New RCON connection from IP ADDR:({})
    5.723 Info ServerRouter.cpp:547: Own address is IP ADDR:({MY_IP:65110}) (confirmed by pingpong1)
    5.723 Info ServerRouter.cpp:547: Own address is IP ADDR:({MY_IP:65110}) (confirmed by pingpong3)
    5.873 Info ServerRouter.cpp:547: Own address is IP ADDR:({MY_IP:65110}) (confirmed by pingpong4)
    6.218 Info MatchingServer.cpp:123: Matching server game `19820067` has been created.
    6.223 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:738: Matching server connection resumed

Re: Headless server is not browsable anymore

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 7:05 pm
by Gornil
Anyone have any ideas?

Re: Headless server is not browsable anymore

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 8:18 pm
by Loewchen
This usually turns out to be a server settings issue or a client filter issue.

Re: Headless server is not browsable anymore

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 2:37 pm
by Gornil
Loewchen wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2024 8:18 pm This usually turns out to be a server settings issue or a client filter issue.
Thank you for your reply Loewchen. I've verified on the client side that I cant find byt server in the browser list when all filters are set to "any". There was no issue finding this server before.

Below is my server config. I've removed my token ID (and Password), but I have verified that it is the same as on I've set the visibility for both LAN and Internet to true. Is anything else wrong here? Any other config files I would need to look into?

Code: Select all

  "_comment_afk_autokick_interval": "How many minutes until someone is kicked when doing nothing, 0 for never.",
  "_comment_allow_commands": "possible values are, true, false and admins-only",
  "_comment_auto_pause": "Whether should the server be paused when no players are present.",
  "_comment_auto_pause_when_players_connect": "Whether should the server be paused when someone is connecting to the server.",
  "_comment_autosave_interval": "Autosave interval in minutes",
  "_comment_autosave_only_on_server": "Whether autosaves should be saved only on server or also on all connected clients. Default is true.",
  "_comment_autosave_slots": "server autosave slots, it is cycled through when the server autosaves.",
  "_comment_credentials": "Your login credentials. Required for games with visibility public",
  "_comment_ignore_player_limit_for_returning_players": "Players that played on this map already can join even when the max player limit was reached.",
  "_comment_max_heartbeats_per_second": "Network tick rate. Maximum rate game updates packets are sent at before bundling them together. Minimum value is 6, maximum value is 240.",
  "_comment_max_players": "Maximum number of players allowed, admins can join even a full server. 0 means unlimited.",
  "_comment_max_upload_in_kilobytes_per_second": "optional, default value is 0. 0 means unlimited.",
  "_comment_max_upload_slots": "optional, default value is 5. 0 means unlimited.",
  "_comment_minimum_latency_in_ticks": "optional one tick is 16ms in default speed, default value is 0. 0 means no minimum.",
  "_comment_non_blocking_saving": "Highly experimental feature, enable only at your own risk of losing your saves. On UNIX systems, server will fork itself to create an autosave. Autosaving on connected Windows clients will b>
  "_comment_require_user_verification": "When set to true, the server will only allow clients that have a valid account",
  "_comment_segment_sizes": "Long network messages are split into segments that are sent over multiple ticks. Their size depends on the number of peers currently connected. Increasing the segment size will increase upload ban>
  "_comment_token": "Authentication token. May be used instead of 'password' above.",
  "_comment_visibility": [
    "public: Game will be published on the official Factorio matching server",
    "lan: Game will be broadcast on LAN"
  "admins": [
  "afk_autokick_interval": 30,
  "allow_commands": "admins-only",
  "auto_pause": true,
  "auto_pause_when_players_connect": false,
  "autosave_interval": 10,
  "autosave_only_on_server": true,
  "autosave_slots": 5,
  "description": "Vil Norge klare aa ha ett romferdsprogram?",
  "game_password": "PASSWORD",
  "ignore_player_limit_for_returning_players": false,
  "max_heartbeats_per_second": 60,
  "max_players": 0,
  "max_upload_in_kilobytes_per_second": 0,
  "max_upload_slots": 5,
  "maximum_segment_size": 100,
  "maximum_segment_size_peer_count": 10,
  "minimum_latency_in_ticks": 0,
  "minimum_segment_size": 25,
  "minimum_segment_size_peer_count": 20,
  "name": "Norwegian Space Program",
  "non_blocking_saving": false,
  "only_admins_can_pause_the_game": true,
  "password": "",
  "require_user_verification": true,
  "tags": [
  "token": "MY_TOKEN",
  "username": "Gornil",
  "visibility": {
    "lan": true,
    "public": true