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[2.0.16] Cannot reach headless

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 9:46 pm
by Daskepeder
I have a Debian 11 server with a recurring error that I have no idea why or how it happens, and usually, I also have no clue why it suddenly starts working again.

Here’s the situation:
11-10-2024, 21-21-37.png
11-10-2024, 21-21-37.png (1.12 MiB) Viewed 442 times

I set up the server for the first time on version 20.0.10. I tried configuring it according to the Factorio Multiplayer wiki, and the server always shows up in the "public games" list. However, more often than not, the server is unreachable. When this happens, I try stopping and starting the service, rebooting the server, and manually restarting the server. After some time, it might just start working again, though I’m not sure what triggered it.

I suspect the issue could be related to how I’ve set up the server, as I’m not an experienced Linux server admin, but I don’t know for sure. The server is also running other services.

I’ve created a script that runs nightly to check for updates. Here’s what it looks like:

Code: Select all

# Stop the Factorio service
sudo systemctl stop factorio.service
sleep 5

# Switch to the Factorio user
sudo su - factorio <<'EOF'
sleep 5

# Set the directory
cd /home/factorio
sleep 5

# Download the latest version as a temporary file
wget -O factorio_latest.tar.xz
sleep 5

# Check if the new download is identical to the existing version
if cmp -s factorio_latest.tar.xz factorio.tar.xz; then
  sleep 5
  echo "No new update available. Exiting."
  rm factorio_latest.tar.xz
  sleep 5
  # New update found; replace the old file and update Factorio
  mv factorio_latest.tar.xz factorio.tar.xz
  sleep 5
  tar xJvf factorio.tar.xz
  sleep 5
  echo "Factorio has been updated to the latest version."

# Exit from Factorio user
sleep 5
The server-settings.json file looks like this:
11-10-2024, 22-37-46.png
11-10-2024, 22-37-46.png (124.04 KiB) Viewed 442 times

I cannot see a reason why it shouldn't work, as was hoping for some help here. Don't make me go back to Windows!

Re: [2.0.16] Cannot reach headless

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2024 1:57 pm
by Daskepeder

Re: [2.0.16] Cannot reach headless

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2024 2:41 pm
by vinzenz
Constantly re-downloading the headless server is a good way to get throttled by our servers. Please use the API provided here: before downloading a new release. You can also check the factorio log file for errors.

There's also a docker image provided by the community that helps with all the linux hosting issues:

Re: [2.0.16] Cannot reach headless

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2024 9:12 am
by Daskepeder
So the fact that I have downloaded the server software to many times, might actually be the real problem? :shock:
Sorry about that. I thought once a day wasn't so bad.

I'll look into the API and report back. Thank you.

Re: [2.0.16] Cannot reach headless

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2024 11:49 pm
by Daskepeder
Just wanted to tell that after updating the script with the API as told in the post, this all came together. Thank you. Update script looks like this now (sorry for norwegian comments):

Code: Select all


# Definer sti til versjonsfilen

# Hente informasjon om siste stabile versjon fra API
latest_version=$(curl -s | jq -r '.stable.headless')

# Sjekke om resultatet er gyldig
if [ -z "$latest_version" ] || [ "$latest_version" == "null" ]; then
  echo "FEIL: Kunne ikke hente siste stabile headless-versjon fra API."
  exit 1

echo "Siste stabile headless-versjon: $latest_version"

# Sjekk om versjonsfilen eksisterer
if [ ! -f "$version_file" ]; then
  echo "Versjonsfil ikke funnet. Antar ingen versjon installert."
  # Les gjeldende versjon fra filen
  current_version=$(cat "$version_file")

echo "Nåværende installerte versjon: $current_version"

# Sammenligne versjoner
if [ "$latest_version" != "$current_version" ]; then
  echo "Ny versjon tilgjengelig: $latest_version. Starter oppdateringsprosessen..."

  # Stopp Factorio-tjenesten
  echo "Stopper Factorio-tjenesten..."
  sudo systemctl stop factorio.service || { echo "FEIL: Klarte ikke stoppe Factorio-tjenesten."; exit 1; }

  # Bytte til Factorio User
  sudo su - factorio -c "
  echo 'Laster ned versjon $latest_version...'
  wget -O /home/factorio/factorio_latest.tar.xz || {
    echo 'FEIL: Klarte ikke laste ned nyeste versjon.';
    exit 1;

  echo 'Pakker ut ny versjon...'
  tar -xJf /home/factorio/factorio_latest.tar.xz -C /home/factorio || {
    echo 'FEIL: Klarte ikke pakke ut den nye versjonen.';
    exit 1;

  echo '$latest_version' > /home/factorio/version.txt
  echo 'Oppdatering fullført. Ny versjon ($latest_version) lagret i /home/factorio/version.txt.'

  echo "Tilbake til opprinnelig bruker."

  # Start Factorio-tjenesten
  echo "Starter Factorio-tjenesten på nytt..."
  sudo systemctl start factorio.service || { echo "FEIL: Klarte ikke starte Factorio-tjenesten."; exit 1; }
  echo "Factorio-tjenesten er startet med ny versjon $latest_version."
  echo "Serveren er allerede oppdatert til den nyeste versjonen: $latest_version."

Re: [2.0.16] Cannot reach headless

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2024 9:29 pm
by Daskepeder
Aaaaand, I was wrong. I am absolutely clueless. Updates are no longer an issue. I haven't downloaded anything for many days. Symptoms are exactly the same. Server is in list and cannot be reached. No amount of restarts of both the server and the software helps. At some point it just starts working again...