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Save game migration question

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2024 11:08 am
by Muussi
So, I like to know how save game migration work, since I first started a game with Space Age (and steam). After that I thought, it would be great to play Factorio without steam, so I downloaded it from here. Loaded the game and there was some stuff about migrate. Then I realized that it was Factorio without Space Age mod. Then I downloaded the Space Age version from here and loaded the game. Again there were a popup about migration. I continued to play until today, I read that migration might cause some issues.

The save game was from very early stage. I had couple of research domes, but no science bottle automation.

Simply put, what happened:
1. Initial Space age save and played a bit
2. Migration: Space age -> normal 2.0 save
3. Migration: normal 2.0 save -> Space age save
4. Continued to play.

My play time is very limited and I would not like to start a new game.
The question is that does these migrations somehow spoil or brake my Space Age experience?