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[1.1.104] - Space Exploration [0.6.125], AAI industry [0.5.22], Space Exploration Postprocess [0.6.28] don't load

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:28 pm
by CyanoBoteria
I just started playing with mods.

The error is
Failed to load mods: Error while loading entity prototype "se-character-_-seat" (car): Key "icon" not found in property tree at ROOT.carse-character- -seat
Modifications: Space Exploration> AAl Industry> Space Exploration Postprocess (Required)

I looked into the Mods file in my Factorio Directory, but can't find out where the typo or missing file could be.

Probably this can be fixed with just a few keystrokes but I spent half an hour on it now looking over everything and I think I'm just to noob (for now) to find the issue.

Also since this hasn't been posted about yet, I assume its a me problem?
What do I do about it though?

The SE-postprocess Mod has just been updated, the issue was there before and after the update.

Re: [1.1.104] - Space Exploration [0.6.125], AAI industry [0.5.22], Space Exploration Postprocess [0.6.28] don't load

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 7:06 pm
by robot256
This was posted on the SE discord: ... 6913493012

In that case it was caused by Bob's Character Classes. The solution was to either uninstall that mod, or change the contents:

> Open bobs classes mod, open `/bobclasses/prototypes/character.lua#L6`
Comment out that line, save the changes, allow the zip to write them into itself