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[Boskid] [1.1.39] Larger than normal mouse cursor covers numbers

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 4:52 pm
by HurkWurk
cosmetic issue, if you use a larger mouse cursor than the basic windows size, it covers up the numbers of what you are holding.


i cannot give you a screenshot of large. every screenshot program i tried reduces the cursor size to default, so do recording tools.
instead i can show you cursor settings im using
at cursor size 4, which is what i use, the numbers are covered up. (the size of my cursor is shown on the right side of the slider)

Re: [1.1.39] Larger than normal mouse cursor covers numbers

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 5:40 pm
by eradicator
I got used to it.
factorio_20210910-193905[000]2.avi_gifsicle.gif (1001.19 KiB) Viewed 3226 times

Re: [1.1.39] Larger than normal mouse cursor covers numbers

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 3:31 pm
by HurkWurk
thanks for the gif Eradicator, yes, thats the issue, and it should hopefully be an easy-ish fix to set the text offset to account for cursor size, but i dont know if this is a legacy mode vs windows 10 ui problem (the legacy cursor size changers tended not to do this type of thing)

Re: [1.1.39] Larger than normal mouse cursor covers numbers

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 4:17 pm
by eradicator
HurkWurk wrote: Mon Sep 13, 2021 3:31 pm windows 10
I'm not on W10.

In retrospect looking at the gif it also shows a significant lag between in-game cursor (number) and real cursor position.

Re: [Boskid] [1.1.39] Larger than normal mouse cursor covers numbers

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 12:01 pm
by boskid
I wanted to implement this by adding another slider in the interface settings called "Cursor stack offset" but this is minor enough and i know how many merge conflicts it would introduce due to expansion development so i am not going to implement this. Moving to minor issues.

Re: [Boskid] [1.1.39] Larger than normal mouse cursor covers numbers

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 5:12 pm
by HurkWurk
old ticket, but might i recommend the number simply be put in a different location?

i've seen this issue in many games now, and in all cases they want to align a value under the cursor with the left side spreading to the right, while windows wants to grow the cursor down and right, thus if the numbers/data were connected to the bottom left side of the cursor and grew to the left, there would never be a case where the cursor could overlap