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Mouse wheel scroll not always detected

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:17 pm
by patka076

I tried searching the forums for information about this issue, but found no similar problem reported. The problem is that when I scroll my mouse wheel at normal speed, it is not detected at all by factorio and I get no change in zoom. To be able to trigger the zoom, I have to scroll the wheel really fast for a random zoom here and there. As far as I can see there is no way to set the sensitivity in game? In windows the wheel works properly and a browser window for example scroll a small amount at every mouse wheel "click".

Just made a clean install of 11.6, and the issue is there just as in 10.12.

Anyone else seen this issue? Any suggestions?

Re: Mouse wheel scroll not always detected

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:56 am
by cube
What OS? Do you have any special kind of mouse?

Re: Mouse wheel scroll not always detected

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:30 pm
by patka076
I'm on 64-bit Windows 7 using a microsoft wireless mouse (called 1000 I think). Never had any problems with it except in this game, its very strange.

Re: Mouse wheel scroll not always detected

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:17 pm
by kitsune9tails
I have this exact same problem. I just got a new MB, CPU, GFX card, etc. but I am still using the same mouse as before (Microsoft Wired Intellimouse). The scroll worked just fine before, but now with my new setup, it does this exact behavior. It doesn't detect a scroll unless I spin the mouse wheel super fast. I reinstalled windows, but it is the same version as before (Windows 7, 64-bit).

My mouse wheel works perfectly fine with all other applications. Changing various options in Factorio doesn't seem to help either.

So, anyone figured this out yet? Or should this be filed as a bug report?

Re: Mouse wheel scroll not always detected

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:55 pm
by cube
For this it doesn't matter much if it is bug report, because it would probably end up moved in known issues anyway. We don't have that mouse here and until there are bugs that affect more people we won't be able to spend the needed ammount of tim on this. Sorry. But if anyone has any more info about this problem, it might help to solve this.

Re: Mouse wheel scroll not always detected

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:02 pm
by Gammro
If it helps anything MS has a support article on scrolling problems with intellimouse hardware:

This part was interesting:
Method 5: Determine whether it is application specific
With newer “high-resolution” mouse devices, some applications may not correctly interpret partial scrolling messages. When low resolution wheels scroll up and down, the mouse driver sends a scroll magnitude of 120 for each tick of the wheel up and 120 for each tick down. According to the official documentation, a scrolling value of 120 (or -120) indicates one line of scrolling. If the application receives less than a full line, it should either scroll part of a line (which is what Microsoft Word and some other applications do) or if that’s not possible, save up the value until a total of 120 is reached (which is what Notepad does). Most current Microsoft mouse devices are designed to give a smoother scroll experience, so the wheels are higher resolution and send four times as many scroll events, but at one-quarter of the magnitude. So instead of 120, they send 30 (or instead of -120 when scrolling back, they send -30). This should result in scrolling at the same speed, just more smoothly.

Some applications may not handle this correctly.

For example, they may ignore partial scroll events, or they may interpret a partial (30) event as a full line (120). There have been instances of some applications that actually combine both of these incorrect behaviors. For example, some applications may ignore the positive partial events and treat negative partial events as a full line, which would result in slow scrolling forward and fast scrolling backward.

Re: Mouse wheel scroll not always detected

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:42 am
by cube
Thank you. Moving to bug reports. Still low priority, though :-(