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[0.12.19] mouse wheel left/right names, binds but don't work

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 3:29 pm
by pyrolytic_tungsten
The other thread made me curious about obscure control issues and I found a couple. I use this mouse on linux x64.

In the controls menu when you try and set an action to mouse wheel left it says "Mouse wheel right" and conversely when you try to set an action to mouse wheel right it says "Mouse wheel left". xev says mouse wheel left is button 6 and mouse wheel right is button 7.

Actions bound to mouse wheel left/right don't actually work from what I tried (rotate, shoot enemy). If bound to mouse button 4 (button 8 by xev's numbering because xev's 4 is mouse wheel up) the actions work fine. Mouse wheel left/right work fine for scrolling horizontally in other applications like Firefox.

Personally I don't usually try to bind mouse wheel left/right to actions in games since on occasion in the past I would accidentally press them. Don't feel any rush on this one unless someone else starts making noise.

Re: [0.10.11] mouse wheel left/right names, binds but don't work

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:28 pm
by pyrolytic_tungsten
Bug is still present in 0.12.19 but should still be a very low priority.