[Rseding91] [2.0.7] Cannot create LogisticFilter with non-zero value
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2024 5:44 pm
Attempting to create a logistic filter with a non-zero value on a constant combinator control behavior produces an error "Can't specify non zero request with non trivial item filter condition."
- build a constant combinator
- game.player.selected.get_control_behavior().get_section(1).set_slot(1, {value={type="virtual",name="signal-X"}})
- observe first slot of first (only) section has signal X with count 0
- game.player.print(game.player.selected.get_control_behavior().get_section(1).get_slot(1).min)
- observe min of 0, the count of the signal
- manually set signal X count to 1
- game.player.print(game.player.selected.get_control_behavior().get_section(1).get_slot(1).min)
- observe min of 1, the count of the signal
- optionally build a new constant combinator for the next step, this will not affect the outcome
- game.player.selected.get_control_behavior().get_section(1).set_slot(1, {value={type="virtual",name="signal-X"},min=1})
- observe error