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[0.18.21] Player character stuck in L-corner of pipes and can't move

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 11:25 pm
by dmeranda
I was running around and accidentally got stuck near a corner bend in some pipes and can not move in any direction. The character is still stuck after quitting and reloading the save file. I was not doing any construction or placing entities at the time I got stuck. I know I could probably deconstruct the pipe, but I shouldn't be able to get stuck by just running.

Game save at ... YMaxNIq-Fb

Running on Linux version. There are a few mods for decorations, mainly Alien Biomes.

Re: [0.18.21] Player character stuck in L-corner of pipes and can't move

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 3:25 am
by dmeranda
I updated to 0.18.22 and also tried removing all my exoskeletons and belt immunity equipment, but was still stuck. Though I suspect the bug was getting stuck in the first place, not in getting unstuck. Deconstructing a pipe let me out, as expected. I should have mentioned that at the time I got stuck I was under a heavy biter attack, so my UPS, etc. may be been slower at that point.

Re: [0.18.21] Player character stuck in L-corner of pipes and can't move

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 5:09 am
by invisus
This might have been due to the number of exo's you had on to get IN to the pipes.

Similar issues have been reported before, though typically with walls, not pipes...