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[0.17.4] Science queue crash

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:36 am
by qmax
I've got a crash after I remove some items from queue, add another and press ESC. It happend twice in a row.


Re: [0.17.4] Science queue crash

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 7:19 am
by HunD34TH
It happened to me as well, i just removed some from the queue and added a full new queue and than esc...

Edit: i just done some testing, it is only crashing when you remove the first queued research from the list, but then always...
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Képernyőfelvétel (141).png (1.91 MiB) Viewed 1558 times

Re: [0.17.4] Science queue crash

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:25 pm
by Triston
Confirmed on mine as well. Cancelled current queued item (Mining Productivity 11), and crashes when closing research screen.

Re: [0.17.4] Science queue crash

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:25 pm
by Triston