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[0.17.1][keybind] Linux remapped keys wonky

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:03 am
by nerhee
On linux, I have mapped escape to the extra key between left shift and z on scandinavian keyboards. It doesn't seem to do anything unless mapped to toggle menu (as secondary to keep the regular escape key also), and then the behavior is volatile - at first I thought it only did not work for closing the menu, but right now it seems it only works for closing the map and opening the menu and nothing else. No idea what triggered the change. If it was unbinding and rebinding it doesn't seem to happen consistently. Related(?): viewtopic.php?t=53595 except the key is remapped escape

I have swapped caps lock and backspace. Factorio does nothing when pressing the caps lock key, and when pressing the backspace key it both deletes text and toggles caps lock.

I have mapped alt gr to control, but alt gr doesn't work as a control modifier. On the controls settings panel it gets listed as right control when used by itself (and works in game by itself) but used as a modifier it's listed as alt, and it works as neither ctrl nor alt modifier in game.

Possibly related to some of this: viewtopic.php?p=400274

Re: [0.17.1] Linux remapped keys wonky

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:10 am
by brunzenstein
Same on a Mac.
Many keybindings simply don’t work. Worked under 0.16 perfectly

Re: [0.17.1] Linux remapped keys wonky

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 6:46 pm
by BlueTemplar
I've mapped "Alt-view" to "<" (which is between left Shift and W on AZERTY) on Xubuntu 18.04 just fine.
(Yes, I know that with the way "Alt-view" now works, it's not necessary anymore, but I've gotten used to it, and I'll still be playing 0.16 too for months if not years...)

Re: [0.17.1] Linux remapped keys wonky

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 5:58 pm
by Risce
I'm also experiencing this. Here's some additional information for the devs:

* Default Factorio controls/keybindings (as far as I know)
* Fedora 29 (Gnome Wayland, default for Fedora)
* Factorio 0.17.2 via Steam
* Swapped Caps Lock and Escape via Gnome Tweak Tools:

1. Install gnome tweak tools: sudo dnf install -y gnome-tweak
2. Launch gnome tweak tools
3. Go to Keyboard & Mouse tab
4. Under Keyboard, open "Additional Layout Options"
5. Go down to "Caps Lock behavior" and select "Swap ESC and Caps Lock"
6. Close out of everything. Restart for good measure. Launch factorio.

Behavior Observed:

In many cases, pressing Caps Lock does nothing in Factorio. If I go to Factorio settings and set "Close Window" to my Caps Lock key, it shows up as "ESCAPE". Then, using the Caps Lock key **sometimes** works to exit things, but only certain things? It doesn't get me out of menus, but it does get me out of the inventory, for example.

Re: [0.17.1] Linux remapped keys wonky

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:10 pm
by Risce
For other readers, see also this dev post: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=65881

Re: [0.17.1][keybind] Linux remapped keys wonky

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 8:00 am
by posila
In 0.17.32 you still need to bind "Toggle menu", if you want to rebind escape, but it should work better. 65402