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[0.16.19] Multiplayer Desync

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:52 pm
by dikvangenuchten
We are getting desync after around 20 minutes.

-Linux headless server
-Not a specific step to get it to desync just happens every 20 minutes
-Desyncs everybody except server (we are with 2 people atm)
-Sometimes a desync happens will trying to join but only the person trying to join desyncs

Logs in onedrive!Ahrm5ntEAMquygumrr1xMl7F5I3B

17-56 is desync will joining
the other is a desync after around 20 minutes

If you need anything more please let me know


Re: [0.16.19] Multiplayer Desync

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 7:47 pm
by Oxyd
Thanks, this should be fixed in 0.16.20.