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[0.13.3] Rail Stop causes multiplayer desync

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 1:36 am
by engin33rguy
Every time I hold a rail stop in my hands to place it on the rails, my two friends keep getting desync'd.

Repro steps:

1. Multiplayer game (Boston, Dallas, Austin, Boston is host)
2. Have rail built
3. Hold rail stop in hand while standing close to rail
4. Once green "you can place here" indicators show up, clients will desync.

Success 10/10 tries


None, pretty simple problem. Will add if necessary, but not sure what content they'll add.

*Edit: we haven't looked at rail signals or chain signals yet, but I'll update once I test those too.

*Edit 2: Also appears to be happening with offshore pumps

Can anyone else confirm for me?


Re: [0.13.3] Rail Stop causes multiplayer desync

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 1:56 am
by spoderman_spoody
I was going to report the same thing then I saw this thread. We are playing on LAN through Hamachi + Steam on 0.13.3 and it has happened 2/2 times

Re: [0.13.3] Rail Stop causes multiplayer desync

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 2:41 am
by spoderman_spoody
I'm the host and my friend tried to place a station. The game then went into a desync loop. where every time he loaded back in, since he was holding the station in his hand he would desync again. He had to host the game and place the station before I could then join him.

Re: [0.13.3] Rail Stop causes multiplayer desync

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:30 am
by daniel34