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Bad character spawn location

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:54 am
by Serpardum
Generate random land: Check.
Generate water: Check.
Spawn player on ground not water: Check.


Re: Bad character spawn location

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:29 am
by Balthazar
I'm pretty sure the devs allready know about this, but its a dificult thing to solve, and a low priority one. XP we've all been there but just regenerate and try again.

Re: Bad character spawn location

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:21 am
by ssilk

Re: Bad character spawn location

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:56 pm
by Serpardum
Not a bug? O.o How is this not a bug?

And if it was me and I was coding it I'd take a direction (any one) about 10 - 20 blocks away, make sure it was ground then try to path to it. If I couldn't path to it then I would chose a new spawn location. You might miss a few good spawn locations but you'll also miss a lot of bad ones.

Re: Bad character spawn location

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:22 pm
by AlexPhoenix
Serpardum wrote:Not a bug? O.o How is this not a bug?

And if it was me and I was coding it I'd take a direction (any one) about 10 - 20 blocks away, make sure it was ground then try to path to it. If I couldn't path to it then I would chose a new spawn location. You might miss a few good spawn locations but you'll also miss a lot of bad ones.
this is bug, but bug with very low priority, cuz you always can regenerate map.
so while there is bug with higher priority this is will be in not bug section.

Is if was you, you must dont forget about priorities of bugs.

Re: Bad character spawn location

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:34 pm
by muzzy
Beautiful spawn :)

This is definitely an issue, but technically I don't think it should be called a bug. The issue is that sometimes you get a bad spawn, but since there isn't any trivial way to determine if the spawn is bad or not, the lacking functionality cannot be called a bug.

I'm hoping in the future they would implement some kind of requirement/criteria system in the map generator, so that the map is rerolled if it doesn't meet the defined criteria. This could be used for resource reachability tests and other things such as minimum necessary connected land, maximum distance to resources, minimum distance to hostiles to avoid instantly aggroing enemies, etc.

Re: Bad character spawn location

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:13 pm
by ssilk
Sorry for the short response.

This is not a bug by definition. The program behaves as it is defined.
An issue, yes.

I see the chance to have a simple boat to solve this situation.

But this is only the most obvious case of many others: you are surrounded by 20 biter nests. The island is much bigger than this and you play 8 hours before you find it out. There is not enough wood around. And many other things like that. My opinion is, that there can be situations, which are hard. Very hard. But solvable. With the feature of giving away the map-seed I think this can be a good feature.

Re: Bad character spawn location

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:48 am
by Serpardum
ssilk wrote:Sorry for the short response.

This is not a bug by definition. The program behaves as it is defined.
An issue, yes.

I see the chance to have a simple boat to solve this situation.
You explained yourself well. In your explanation, yes, this is not a bug. It is just a feature that has not been coded yet.

I will keep that in mind as I play.

If you wish to attract more people to the game I would recommend a simple screen shot of your character and a bot following you like it was following me in game. I enjoy your game entirely and the designers/programmers have done an excellent job as well as the artists.

Incidentally I have a low end laptop and your game runs well although my char does slow down running when a lot of things are on the screen at once. But with 200+ bots flying around overhead I get little lag.

I have not been reading the forums and I won't be until I learn all knowledge as I don't want any spoilers.

[0.12.29] Starting in the middle of an ocean

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:58 pm
by Sander_Bouwhuis
I started a new game and couldn't do anything:
Ocean start.jpg
Ocean start.jpg (142.31 KiB) Viewed 11716 times

Re: [0.12.29] Starting in the middle of an ocean

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:07 pm
by sillyfly
From the thread titled READ BEFORE POSTING:
slpwnd wrote: Small island spawn

This is not really a bug. Just respawn. See more: ... f=7&t=3492

Re: [0.12.29] Starting in the middle of an ocean

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:26 pm
by posila
Duplicate: 3492

Well, this might be difficult...

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:55 pm
by vivim
2016-04-04 (1).png
2016-04-04 (1).png (1.96 MiB) Viewed 11423 times
I started a map with increased natives for a bit of a challenge. Turns out they weren't that great of a threat.

Re: Well, this might be difficult...

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:58 pm
by prg
Is anyone keeping count of those "I started on an island!" posts?

Re: [0.12.29] Starting in the middle of an ocean

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:07 pm
by Koub
[Koub] Topics merged because buffer overflowth topic about starting on an island

Re: Well, this might be difficult...

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 1:12 am
by Klonan
prg wrote:Is anyone keeping count of those "I started on an island!" posts?
Something like that:

Re: [0.12.29] Starting in the middle of an ocean

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:03 am
by Sander_Bouwhuis
Oh, sorry about that.

Why doesn't the generator simply check whether you can reach at least, say, 100 tiles? This should be easy to fix.
If there are a gazillions mentions of this bug, maybe that's a hint a lot of people encounter this problem.

If this is your first play, it's VERY confusing what you need to do.

Re: [0.12.29] Starting in the middle of an ocean

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:25 am
by Koub
It's OK to feeel confused. It's also OK to search "island" with the forum search :).
Moreover, even 100 tiles is not enough to play a viable game. There is no limit above which a game will be considered as "playable" depending on the ressources and biters that are generated on the map.
And ... there are people who want to spawn on big islands, so the devs can't just add an island detector in the map generation to get rid of islands.

Re: [0.12.29] Starting in the middle of an ocean

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 9:16 am
by posila
I think the main issue is that people don't know "Restart" in menu won't restart the game on the same map, but will regenerate new map too. When you spawn on island, generating new map is question of 2 seconds.

BTW. My first Factorio freeplay ever I spawned on 1x1 island too :D And I also made a screenshot and save with intention to report it as an issue :)

Cant move after create map

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:53 am
by lonking1990
What is the chance to appear in a little island inside of a lake when creating a new map? I suppose this is a bug, isnt it? Im using bob mods, but they dont affect terrain generation (but adding ores) as far as i know :/


Re: Cant move after create map

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:08 am
by sillyfly

Just open the menu and hit restart. It will generate a new map with the same settings (but a different seed).