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[2.0.11] Set recipe inserters gets stuck with waiting for source items

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 10:36 am
by ukezi
I have a contraption making large power poles by setting two assemblers to feed it via circuits. However the inserters get stuck with waiting for source item while the item is present in the source assembler. My guess is it sees only the additional output slot, not the actual product slot.

How I wish it would work: The inserters don't get stuck, additionally I would like the assemblers to be able to shift their additional output inventory to their inputs when recipe change, so we don't have bonus slots that get filled up.

Bonus: Could we get the option to read and set signals from a specified wire? That way you could use read content and read ingredients and a arithmetic combinator to read what is missing instead of having to set a constant combinator to for what the inventory is supposed to be.


Code: Select all

It reads the content of the large power pole assembler, multiplies that with -1 and uses a constant combinator to set the required amounts. That then creates a signal with the ingredients that are still required and it's used to set the indeterminate assemblers. Also with most switches a plate is added to the additional output slots.

Re: [2.0.11] Set recipe inserters gets stuck with waiting for source items

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 7:18 am
by throdax
I have had the exact same bug. It appears quite often when I use foundries with circuit networks to produce two or more items for another assembler. The foundry gets full of one item, and the inserter with the corresponding filter can't see it with the message "waiting for source items".
issue waiting for source items 2.0.11.jpg
issue waiting for source items 2.0.11.jpg (1.36 MiB) Viewed 705 times
It would also be extremely helpful to get the contents and ingredients on separate wires. As it is today, I can't really se how to use both those options at the same time.

Re: [2.0.11] Set recipe inserters gets stuck with waiting for source items

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 11:20 am
by boskid
Thanks for the report. This behavior is caused by the assembling machine guarding forcing you to take items out of the dump inventory (iron sticks) first before you could take items from the products inventory. Given that you are not taking iron sticks out, the machine refuses to expose other inventories to avoid infinite storage. In 2.0.12 this behavior was already changed because of 117890 and so the behavior you are seeing (not being able to take from dump inventory when there are items in product inventory) is no longer present, instead the assembler will refuse to set new recipe until there are items in the dump inventory.

Moving this as a duplicate due to the topic mentioned: 117890

Re: [2.0.11] Set recipe inserters gets stuck with waiting for source items

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 4:53 pm
by throdax
Wow! I report the error one morning, and when I sit down in the afternoon to play, it's fixed.

There is nobody better at this than your guys at Wube!

Most heartfelt thanks.

Re: [2.0.11] Set recipe inserters gets stuck with waiting for source items

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 5:35 pm
by minimalte
I'm not sure if it has anything to do with that.

But I now have the problem (Version 2.0.12) that if the preset for the recipe changes while the assembling machine is producing, it completely loses the recipe after the product is finished. And even if it is changed, it doesn't recognize a new one.
(The assembling machine is controlled by a decider combinator)

The recipe is only recognized by repositioning it or swapping assembling machine 3 for 2, but the next time it is changed it is lost again.