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[1.1.42] (Linux) Character cannot run past a fast (red) belt lane squeeze

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:22 pm
by Chindraba
The bug happens when I build a "Y"-shaped arrangement of fast belts where the gap between lanes is removed.
factorio-error-open-belt-block-point.png (102.23 KiB) Viewed 1310 times
factorio-error-full-belt-block-point.png (71.25 KiB) Viewed 1310 times

When moving in the opposite direction, and exactly on the center line between belts, the character cannot move past the point where they "touch".

It does not affect yellow belts, and I don't have blue belts yet so I cannot test that. Placing something else (underground belt starts or a 2x2 structure, such as a stone furnace) in the gap does not help.

The bug happens for empty and full belts in any orientation. Being even slightly off-center will prevent the bug.

Re: [1.1.42] (Linux) Character cannot run past a fast (red) belt lane squeeze

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:28 pm
by Loewchen

Re: [1.1.42] (Linux) Character cannot run past a fast (red) belt lane squeeze

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:12 pm
by Chindraba
That looks like a good match, almost. It does explain the "reason" for the sudden halt of progress. Seems that there was an adjustment made somewhere in the past for that issue. Now running along a belt causes the character to nudge very slightly in the direction opposite the turn, allowing progress to continue. In the dual belt corner I've created the nudge just places the character in the other belt's corner and the block still happens. Knowing the "why" though, doesn't reduce the frustration when it happens. I suppose that, like as not, it'll end up being a "won't fix" type issue, as it's such a rare thing, and easy to avoid by not running in the exact spot to cause it to happen.