Lack of sand

DyWorld, the successor of DyTech. Adding new systems, items, fluids, machines and enemies! The Material System gives items like pipes and transport a real life feeling (Material property specific capacity/speed/range) and the Metallurgic System gives a new way to smelt ores. The Attribute System governs you! This means whatever you do, you get stronger from it!

Moderators: MagicLegend, Dysoch

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Lack of sand

Post by Hannu »

I have played DyWorld 0.8.6 and encountered several problem. Lack of sand seems to bee very bad restriction for base productivity. I can not find a recipe to produce sand (I use FNEI). I used helmod to plan modest 0.5 science per second base. Even I use neutrobaltium machines with 12 prod3 modules in every place I need electrum or electranium, which need sand to produce, I need about 200 sand per second. If only way to get enough sand is from stone mining I have to mine 4000 stone per second and destroy them. It is possible but it is difficult to see such extreme grinding as reasonable or entertaining gaming.

Is it intended or is there something I have not noticed or is there some error in this version? Is there some recipe in newer versions. I avoid updating heavily modded games but I can mod some conversion from stone to sand if necessary.

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Re: Lack of sand

Post by DaleStan »

Dysoch knows about this and has apparently fixed it in 0.9.0.

(I haven't upgraded to 0.9.x yet either, so I can't say for sure.)

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Re: Lack of sand

Post by DavidKaiser »

There is another way producing sand in huge amounts of quantity: use the centrifuges and resin filters.

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