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Re: Friday Facts #246 - The GUI update (Part 3)

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:36 pm
by player8472
In regards to the Order of the Buttons:

What we did in all our programs is Ordering them by System Default.
This way all users experience it like they are used to.

And the work overhead is pretty small since the positions of the buttons is just a reversal of the coordinates...

Re: Friday Facts #246 - The GUI update (Part 3)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:53 pm
by linearj
I love what you are doing with this!
While you are tweaking the preview, can you make the ores more distinctive? In <=0.1.16, I can often only tell where the ores are if my eye catches them being drawn (which it usually doesn't). Mouseover would help this a lot...