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Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:31 pm
by kovarex
Today I finally declared the bugfix hunting for 0.7.5 (that is planned for tuesday) finished, more bugs were found than I would expect.
So I started preparing the extension of the campaign. The first version of the first level is playable now, and it is the natural continuation of the ending of the demo. It tries to explain the research and assembling machines to the player without the pressure to defeat something (like in the current first level that will be moved to the end of the campaign).
Tomas is working on the trailer and cursing that creepers don't behave exactly as he wants to. Using creepers in the trailer has the same kind of difficulty as using animals in movies.
Currently all of us are going to visit the new flat of Albert (we mentioned he moved to Czech republic with his girlfrend already) and have a nice dinner, so I wish a nice evening to you as well.

P.S I didn't answer any messages yesterday and the day before yesterday, because there were elections in the Czech Republic and I was part of the election committee in my area.
The first three parties:
  • Socialists
  • 4 months old political party created by businessman who wants to use the political influence to enhance his business.
  • Communists
And yes, we are not happy about it, and we might consider leaving this country sooner or later.

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:33 pm
by n9103
The choices there sound about as appealing as our Politics here in the US.
*Socialists (Democrats)
*Independent candidates who (relatively) few have heard of (Independents)
*Oligarchy (Republicans)

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:02 pm
by Balinor
The UK has fun political groups as follows:

* Corrupt left wing
* Corrupt middle group
* Corrupt right wing
* Corrupt independents

Yeah, I'm not bitter or resentful of politicians in this country, honest ;)

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:05 am
by ssilk
Democracy (democrazy?) is always difficult...

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:36 am
by Dysoch
In the Netherlands we just have incompetent bastards. They cant do squat right.

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:28 am
by slpwnd
Yeah, I guess pretty much everyone thinks that their government is screwed. I wonder what is the public mood / opinion in "role model" countries (at least for us) like Switzerland, Nordic countries or Germany.

Edit: Actually now I remembered. A friend of mine has been recently to Hong Kong and he reported that people there are really happy with the way the government is ruling the country. Exception proving the rule?

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:54 am
by SilverWarior
The problem with most democratic countries is that they are actually not so democratic as they say. Why?
You go and elect your representives based on their promises and on how much you like them in general. But as soon as they are elected they do what they want and not what you want. I call this an ilusion of democracy and not democracy.
The real democracy would be if you would have direct saying to any decision the goverment representatives makes (they put some law to a vote, they vote for the law, the public can also vote and override the goverments decision. If noone from thepublic votes the votes from govermetn representives maters.
While somthing like this wasn't posible in past it quite posible today with all this technology we have at hand. Could the technology be abused? Yes it could so as politics can abuse their position for their own gain.

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:35 pm
by ssilk
SilverWarior is right. We elect them and then there is no control anymore. Who controls them? The press? Come on.

I think this is to be changed. WE need to control them, after elected.

Therefore we need the informations. When you get the big view, we are at the beginning of that direction.

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:16 pm
There cannot be a true democracy when politicians are paid for doing the "right" for rich group..
Being a politician should be more like a hobby or something.. without payment, maybe then those who care about whole community would have a chance to do good.
But now.. it's all just about getting as much money as they can before they fall off the chair.. Just like in Poland.. no doubts why we have over 1.6 mln people abroad cause they cannot stand living here.
And this number is still growing. Due to latest info, even companies are going off Poland. Registering their office in UK for example.
Almost everything have 23% taxes, 6/12 months payment is taken for all insurance etc.. rest is for paying the bills.. and probably like 3/12 for living ;x
I've just finished 1st degree of IT getting Engineer and it came to a decision stay and die trying to live here.. or leave this dying country..

Take Germany for example, they manage to get GDP at + value :x
There is even a common "joke" here. Ask a German kid what is he gonna do on holidays, he will tell you he's going to Poland to visit some cities and have fun.. Ask someone from Poland and he will tell you that he's going to Germany to WORK...
This is sick..

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:50 pm
by Gammro
Just one remark about the "no payment" for politicians. This would mean only people who can afford it would go into politics. So just rich people. I don't think they represent the majority(and the interests) of the population. That said, it's incredibly hard to balance. Too low, and most people won't want to do it, too high and you attract the wrong people
I think a lot of people who are in politics are just greedy bastards who want to fill their pockets with tax cuts for themselves, while cutting necessary social services(schooling, healthcare etc.) to be able to balance the budget.

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:49 pm
by Math3vv
is anyone else thinking ther sould be a way to make friendship packts with tribes on the plannet (for exsample ther would be a way to be-friend bitters or something)
this would seem like something that would fit in an Rule-your-kingdom-and-the-world game :)

Ps : the politics in the Netherlands are kinda weird... but atleast they are don't fu** up as much as our train company...

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:36 pm
by ficolas
Dont criticise your countries politics! I win!
-Moar corrupts.
-Some other people that arent corrupt because they dont have enought influence.
-A little bit that MAY not be corrupt.

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:33 am
by FreeER
Math3vv wrote:is anyone else thinking ther sould be a way to make friendship packts with tribes on the plannet (for exsample ther would be a way to be-friend bitters or something)
this would seem like something that would fit in an Rule-your-kingdom-and-the-world game :)...
I made a mind control mod, I'm thinking about expanding it some. Perhaps by making it so that destroyed spawners become friendly, and a market spawning nearby for some random items, not sure about how to make them attack other tribes though. If you've got some ideas feel free to mention them there (or make your own lol) at least until the devs have time to focus on it (I think they will add something eventually) :D

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:39 am
by js434
I was thinking of something like a ecology for the planet (Predator & Pray) etc. It would give you a reason to build fences and stuff if the local wildlife keeps getting sucked into your machinery ;)

Plus running away from biters just to lead them into something that eats them would be fun. perhaps a food source for biters that they nest around etc etc

ill stop ranting now :)

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:32 am
by _0rbit_
Just for the record; Democrats in the US are not socialists at all. They are on par with conservative parties in Europe. The US does not have a left political wing.

Re: Random Ramblings #8

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:07 pm
by n9103
Someone's been drinking too much political water.
Just the most recent big ticket item alone screams socialism. (Obamacare)

But anyways, let the record show that someone from the US thinks there's nothing socialist in the US.