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Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:22 pm
by slpwnd
Greetings from furnace-like Prague:

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:33 pm
by Cordylus
Like it! :D

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:43 pm
by Tankh
I guess in that scenario where S & A are on LAN at the same location, the latency of relaying would be pretty much zero, but I suppose this can happen in scenarios where S & A isn't actually on LAN or even geographically near each other.

Very nice promotional picture, but I would like a bit more color. I feel like there was a bit too much steam/smoke in this one. Maybe something in between the two we've seen so far would be more appropriate? Just my quick thoughts.

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:44 pm
by Krayt
The idea to use Factorio for educational purposes sounds really good.
It would be far better than the learning / math games I know from my time at Primary School.
The promotional picture is adorable as well.

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:47 pm
by cpy
MUST HAVE 0.12.4! :D

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:55 pm
by Adil
Both of our fans are running full speed and the fridge is stacked with ice cube plates.
made wonder for a while which two of your fans are now employed as your ice-hauling servitors.

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 4:05 pm
by Oxyd
Adil wrote:
Both of our fans are running full speed and the fridge is stacked with ice cube plates.
made wonder for a while which two of your fans are now employed as your ice-hauling servitors.
Yet it doesn't seem noteworthy to you that we iced Cube, chopped him into plates and put him in the fridge.

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 4:07 pm
by Krayt
Adil wrote:
Both of our fans are running full speed and the fridge is stacked with ice cube plates.
made wonder for a while which two of your fans are now employed as your ice-hauling servitors.
They probably "employed" stylish robotic arms aka Inserters to fan air at them with palm leaves :)

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:12 pm
by Drury
So Factorio workplace is the hottest place in Prague right now :twisted:

With that dress code, I wonder if you're progressive enough to keep gender equality in mind? :twisted:

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:57 pm
by Marconos
Good updates, great to see the progress.

On the heat side of things, there is this new invention, only been around a couple of year .... air conditioning. Or is every home / office having A/C a US thing?

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:14 pm
by Eirikaine
That's one of the best FF for multiplayer I've ever read :D
I'm really excited to test it out :D (it's visible nope ? :P)

About the background image of the game and probably the steam banner, if I've ONLY ONE thing to say negatively it would : why the transport belts are so empty ??
I love to see all the stuff on my transport belts in game, moving or blocked by a bad construction :3

Imho, it will be the only one thing to change (in fact, add) and this could be perfect and totally representative of Factorio ! (tones of smokes, tones of machines, tones of items on the belts...)

edit : fix some typo :roll:

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:23 pm
by Drury
Marconos wrote:Good updates, great to see the progress.

On the heat side of things, there is this new invention, only been around a couple of year .... air conditioning. Or is every home / office having A/C a US thing?
Yes. ... is-stupid/

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:10 pm
by Afforess
Drury wrote:
Marconos wrote:Good updates, great to see the progress.

On the heat side of things, there is this new invention, only been around a couple of year .... air conditioning. Or is every home / office having A/C a US thing?
Yes. ... is-stupid/
Wow, I did not realize most of Europe does not use AC. However, Weather Underground shows most of Europe is in the 20-27C range, whereas the American east coast is solidly in the 30+ C range. 32.5C where I am at. :D

If summers were as cool in America as they were in Europe, less AC would be used here, I am sure.

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:16 pm
by Drury
Been 37C here in Slovakia today. 30+ is normal summer temperature.

The thing that drags the average down is winters which go as low as -10C

I suppose US does get more extreme weather in summer, especially around the southern parts (we've got no deserts), but it's not like we don't use AC because we get 25C in summer. We don't use AC because we live in brick houses with 1m thick walls that usually keep the inside at 25C by themselves :D

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:19 pm
by TheMax
excellent MP from LAN with two people works now fine! :)
Good work on this!

One thing to the new background picture:
The menu on this looks a bit "old/grey/simple"
I suggest to put the menu on the left and make the background with an alphachannel.

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:01 pm
by Mr. Thunder_Tw
I definitely support the motion of using factorio in/for educational purposes.
A fun way to get the mind running and trained in logic and teamwork.
Maybe you could add a math problems behind the research. Or a story that needs calculations to unlock doors, stabilize machines to open a path.
I liked Operation Neptune(an old dos math game), you can easily make a mod or mod-group that does it even better in factorio.
If anything I'd even think math problems could add a bit of realism to the game as our hero's crafting seems odly perfect. If I where to be stranded on a new world on my own I would have a hard time to even think of anything without doing some math and serious dead-end thinking.

Everyone that appreciates minecraft is easily introduced. From kids to adults, creative minds that like to puzzle a bit.
After a fancy trailer, most people eagerly want to jump in the game to build themselves their adventure, inventions, kingdom.
Soon it wont be difficult to set up a game and have everyone jump in once they are hyped up :p.

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:12 pm
by bobingabout
Your central server thing. A to S to B, B to S to A.... This is the stuff I was trying to tell you to do back in 0.11 when everyone tried to argue that it wasn't possible with Factorio. Central server system instead of Peer to Peer.

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:14 pm
by Mr. Thunder_Tw
Marconos wrote:On the heat side of things, there is this new invention, only been around a couple of year .... air conditioning. Or is every home / office having A/C a US thing?
As far as I know the habits of europeans, we are all getting A/C in our new cars everywhere, but as for A/C at every home is only for the hot southern regions like Spain, Italy, Greece. I think it's more of a thing to Isolate well first. A/C is not usefull when it's freezing your ass off outside, nor if your house can't hold a temperature.

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:22 pm
by Darthlawsuit
In the USA we use AC anytime its over 75 degrees, at least the Midwest does. We like our cool weather. Hate going to places without AC

Re: Friday Facts #99 - MP forwarding

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:08 am
by Veylon
To pick the least important thing to talk about: on the subject of that picture, it's nicely made but there's no focus. It's a random chunk of factory floor doing God knows what. There's no sense of scale or purpose.

Imagine looking at the horizon. There's an enormous rocket assembly blotting a good chunk of it out. The sky back there is gray with black plumes of smoke rising into and merging with it. Between us and that mammoth building stretches an industrial wasteland. Further away it's a blur, but the nearer parts are belts bringing various items away into the background. The further belts would have finished items like pieces of machinery and the nearer ones have metal plates. There would be robot arms putting things into and taking them out of factories, showing us a progression. Nearest to us would be a wall lined with guns. Maybe there could be a train going through it via a gate loaded up with ore of some kind. On our side of the wall would be a patch of bare earth with a few dying trees on it and alien monsters attacking.