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Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:39 pm
by Andrzejef
Artilery train - I'm already in love. And impact zoom O_O
Looks awesome. As in awe inspiring awesome. Shock and awe. Too bad i couldn't see it fire, but I'm happy with what I already got :)

Awesome work :)

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:42 pm
by Yakoot
What about belt optimization? Can I read about it in any ff? Will it improve UPS?

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:43 pm
by djaquay
Oh yes, so much hype! I so want me that cannon! Well, and a t-shirt; it's been a while since I've *needed* to wear colors for a game, but I'll be getting one of these.

Love it muchly!


Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:48 pm
by orzelek
Thats a one FFF full of awesome.
Big thanks for the goodies - and even bigger ones for release next week. I do realize it will be hectic but we'll get the goodies for holiday break :D

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:50 pm
by Twinsen
Regarding the artillery wagon feeling OP, we kind of wanted it that way. It's end game research, plus the shells are quite expensive. It also makes biters come running towards it, so it needs some good routes or defended stops.

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:53 pm
by Twinsen
beardedlinuxgeek wrote:The link to just says "Page not found"
Yeah, it's meant to be like that until we start the sales. Just wanted to post the link so people know where to check and what to bookmark.

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:00 am
by oresKa2
Well, atleast I wont have to break about a new years resolution this year, as spending the holidays with family<0.16 update.
And Idc if there are bugs as I want that cristmas present that has been teasing us for so long.
Don't overwork yourselves, we need you for more of this good stuf. we want lots more... LOTS MORE... LOTS! MORE!
And have a great holiday, u deserve it.

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:04 am
by landmine752
Very exciting news! Can't wait to buy some artillery shirts and play with the loading screen trains in the 61.0 release.

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:10 am
by tvardero
There had to be a palm tree.
1.png (484.56 KiB) Viewed 6274 times

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:12 am
by DerGraue
vedrit wrote:
DerGraue wrote: Isn't that train slightly OP? I mean, 200+ tiles? That's insanity. That's like tenfold the range of a turret.

I guess my future "turret creep" setups with recursive blueprints will become a "train obliteration" setup.

I wonder, is there a reason why you devs don't give us artillery turrets with larger range, but suddenly you throw that monster at us?

Also consider that the artillery wagon doesn't target biters/spitters, and so could agro a LOT of aliens, and late-game (where the wagon is supposed to come into play) there will be a lot of behemoths. I don't think turret creep will be able to handle swarms of that magnitude.
No? Turret creep can't handle swarms of behemoths?
Then watch this:

It will be soo easy to integrate the artillery train in there automatically.

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:16 am
by Escadin
And suddenly I have something to look forward to for christmas for a change. Love you guys! :D

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:18 am
by Chronosfear
I love you guys. Again you´re giving out early presents!
the artillery wagon looks awesome already, and the gifs showing them in action are even more terrifying. :twisted:

-> think about adding one to every train. :roll: , well lets see what the bill says for crafting one shell

Yeah stickers (already mentioned) would be something i would buy too.


Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:30 am
by Stripes
And Wube continue to prove that they are simply The Best :)

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:32 am
by Alice3173
Omarflyjoemacky wrote:Why so much hate? Sit back, relax, And enjoy. It's .16 MAN!
Criticism and hate aren't the same thing. People were largely of the opinion that the new concrete didn't look like concrete and instead looked more like an alternative stone texture. Since the devs have yet to address this criticism publicly it's understandable that people would assume they're keeping the new concrete despite the criticisms.

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:35 am
by Jap2.0

I'm really excited, but sad at the same time because I probably won't be ablt to try this out for two weeks. Please make the extra week's wait worth it. I know that sounds impossible, but you're the Factorio devs, you can do pretty much anything.

Like, the fact that I have to wait 2 weeks, and then I can play 0.16 is killing me and keeping me alive at the same time.

Did I mention I'm excited?

And artillery train :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm trying really hard not to drool on my keyboard.

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:50 am
by menschmaschine
From the FF-text "We decided that Factorio fans would really like to play during the holidays..."
Hm, it is like... the Factorio team juuuuust started gamedevelopment yesterday *grins*
You know... like, after such a long time since the last update, with -such- great new features,
who would -NOT- play an opt-in experimental, premature release of an early access game.
Come on, guys... *sticks tongue out, grinning*

Tardan, it seems weird to me that you are showing us your bumhole when you are excited *wink* Please hide it again.
It would be even more hilarious if that pup would kicks its own heels in midair in that pose! :-)

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:56 am
by Matthias_Wlkp

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 1:18 am
by ScottyWired
The artillery train is absolutely epic, but from those videos it kinda feels like a mere "click and make explosions happen" enabler. The map provides a tangible link between gun and explosion by showing projectiles moving, but zooming in at the target destination the explosions just sorta... happen...

Basic mockup of my idea ... hepherddog

Having shells flash by a short few frames makes them look fast and thus gives more kick to impact. And forgive the terrible editing but basically have a bit of debris in the direction away from the player to show that these shells are powerful enough to move a tonne of dirt and create a huge amount of dust.

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 1:31 am
by vedrit
DerGraue wrote:
vedrit wrote:
DerGraue wrote: Isn't that train slightly OP? I mean, 200+ tiles? That's insanity. That's like tenfold the range of a turret.

I guess my future "turret creep" setups with recursive blueprints will become a "train obliteration" setup.

I wonder, is there a reason why you devs don't give us artillery turrets with larger range, but suddenly you throw that monster at us?

Also consider that the artillery wagon doesn't target biters/spitters, and so could agro a LOT of aliens, and late-game (where the wagon is supposed to come into play) there will be a lot of behemoths. I don't think turret creep will be able to handle swarms of that magnitude.
No? Turret creep can't handle swarms of behemoths?
Then watch this:

It will be soo easy to integrate the artillery train in there automatically.
There's a difference, though. That wall of turrets doesn't attract them all to one spot. In that, the aliens are just going to the nearest object in their agro area, rather than to one spot - the train. There's a wave of aliens, sure, and a couple behemoths.
Also, that's just nests 10-20 tiles away. Not 200.

Also, no one caught the reference?

Re: Friday Facts #220 - The best Friday Facts ever

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 1:32 am
by FaceEater21
There are some limitations on the countries we will be shipping to.
So I have to look for a reseller 'cause they are too lazy to ship to my country.