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Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:32 am
by Drury
Guys arguing colors of the ores is pointless.


Most people don't know what ores actually look like IRL so videogames just go with old conventions (iron is gray = iron ore is gray). Very few people know what uranium ore looks like (thankfully), but most people associate radioactivity with neon green plutonium rods so that's what most radioactive stuff is now. These conventions might seem a bit misleading but they're not bad per se. Neon green stuff is more awesome than boring yellow lumps of what might as well be sulfur. And having brown ore turn into gray iron plates while grayish ore turns into brown plates is just counter-intuitive.

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:04 am
by Engimage
With the new look for ores it is really visually confusing where the actual ore boundaries are so I support the idea of highlighting ore boundaries when you place drills

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:07 am
by deepdriller
There's more than one ore for anything.
HematitaEZ.jpg (75.52 KiB) Viewed 8620 times
This is hematite, the most common iron ore.
Chalcopyrite-Quartz-237645.jpg (54.73 KiB) Viewed 8620 times
This is Chalcopyrite, a copper ore.
Uranocircite-51177.jpg (75.19 KiB) Viewed 8620 times
And while someone previously posted autunite (the black one is called pitchblende, btw), this uranium ore called Uranocircite has a much more impressive green.

As you can see, there's no reason to argue.
(All pictures taken directly from wikipedia. Took me, what, ten minutes of research?)
EDIT: Is there any way to resize images?

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:42 am
by devilwarriors
Not really trying to argue about it, they can do whatever they like best for vanilla.

But that mod is still comming day 2 :P


Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 7:55 am
by golfmiketango
deepdriller wrote:
Wow, I had no clue it was so pretty.
Jürgen Erhard wrote:Now I want a Python assembler. :D
Well, you're in luck!

Hi to V453000 : Friday Facts #179 -

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 8:10 am
by brunzenstein
Hi to V453000

As a beta tester for professional Mac & iOS software I recommend you give "Affinity Designer"

a good hard and long look.

It incorporates the functionality of Photoshops pixel power with Illustrators path functionality in such a brutal as elegant and dead cheap (50 bucks - no subscription) package that it becomes irresistible for many.
I'm in no way affiliated with the Indi Scottish developers Serife - I wish I would be;-)

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 8:19 am
by deepdriller
golfmiketango wrote: Wow, I had no clue it was so pretty.
You'd be surprised how pretty geology can be sometimes. Just look at this pyrite crystal, another iron ore.
And keep in mind: It hasn't been altered in any way, that's just how they grow naturally.
There are many more examples, but that's enough.

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 8:27 am
by Alanore
Since you anounced that 0.15 will be delayed, you shared fantastic FFF info. It is more fantastic than it should be because it becomes some kind of torture for me. You let us see all the awesome things and you're not letting us touch it. I read every FFF and bought factorio just because i have so much respect after you. Now i'm trapped inside of factorio. We cannot get out, a FFF moves in the dark. We cannot get out... 0.15 is coming.

Re: Hi to V453000 : Friday Facts #179 -

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:03 am
by V453000
brunzenstein wrote:Hi to V453000

As a beta tester for professional Mac & iOS software I recommend you give "Affinity Designer"

a good hard and long look.

It incorporates the functionality of Photoshops pixel power with Illustrators path functionality in such a brutal as elegant and dead cheap (50 bucks - no subscription) package that it becomes irresistible for many.
I'm in no way affiliated with the Indi Scottish developers Serife - I wish I would be;-)
I've heard and read about it but I have no reason to change from Photoshop at this point, also the newer versions of Ps have the Place Linked feature which allows me to reference and auto-update files from the disk, which is absolutely critical for me when working with renders which need to be updated constantly. idk if affinity has that

But thanks for the hint :)

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:04 am
by V453000
devilwarriors wrote:Not really trying to argue about it, they can do whatever they like best for vanilla.

But that mod is still comming day 2 :P
glow is coming for sure <3

Re: Hi to V453000 : Friday Facts #179 -

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:16 am
by brunzenstein
V453000 wrote:
brunzenstein wrote:Hi to V453000

As a beta tester for professional Mac & iOS software I recommend you give "Affinity Designer"

a good hard and long look.

It incorporates the functionality of Photoshops pixel power with Illustrators path functionality in such a brutal as elegant and dead cheap (50 bucks - no subscription) package that it becomes irresistible for many.
I'm in no way affiliated with the Indi Scottish developers Serife - I wish I would be;-)
I've heard and read about it but I have no reason to change from Photoshop at this point, also the newer versions of Ps have the Place Linked feature which allows me to reference and auto-update files from the disk, which is absolutely critical for me when working with renders which need to be updated constantly. idk if affinity has that

But thanks for the hint :)
nine minutes which may change your mind - forever:

the version 1.5 mentioned in this video is already out and its working like a breeze

By the way - I know the business model of Adobe well - compare this to 50$ one time payment

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:34 am
by Daid
Rseding91 wrote:We don't care. It's going to be green in Factorio because that looks better.
Never let realism get in the way of fun/good game play :-)

But I'm wondering about something else. Is uranium going to be a single use ore? As in, it is only useful for power generation? As everything else has multiple uses. Coal can be power, for smeling and you need some for plastic. Iron and copper you need for everything. And even stone has a bunch of different uses.

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:45 am
by deepdriller
Daid wrote:
Rseding91 wrote:We don't care. It's going to be green in Factorio because that looks better.
Never let realism get in the way of fun/good game play :-)

But I'm wondering about something else. Is uranium going to be a single use ore? As in, it is only useful for power generation? As everything else has multiple uses. Coal can be power, for smeling and you need some for plastic. Iron and copper you need for everything. And even stone has a bunch of different uses.
Referring you to my earlier post about very green uranium ore.
And here you can find a discussion about more uses for uranium.

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 9:58 am
by lingnau
Drury wrote:Guys arguing colors of the ores is pointless.


Most people don't know what ores actually look like IRL so videogames just go with old conventions (iron is gray = iron ore is gray). Very few people know what uranium ore looks like (thankfully), but most people associate radioactivity with neon green plutonium rods so that's what most radioactive stuff is now. These conventions might seem a bit misleading but they're not bad per se. Neon green stuff is more awesome than boring yellow lumps of what might as well be sulfur. And having brown ore turn into gray iron plates while grayish ore turns into brown plates is just counter-intuitive.
Like. :D

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 10:07 am
by 3LollipopZ
God, one day I would love to see mixed ore patches.

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:26 am
by Faen
So the Uranium ore is not definitive? If I could choose how uranium ore goes I would go for a blackish Ore with just some green spots that glow in the darkness. That would be so cool!!!

This is just a fast concept, It should be some more greenish parts and be MOre glass-osidian like, and be better drawn ofc.

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:45 am
by thetoolcrafter
Sauerkraut wrote:The new ores look spot on! Very nice!

One question though: will the ore-piece displacements be actually random in the game, or will you just create a set of randomly generated ore-tiles and include those? Former one would be cool af, but I imagine it would be hard for modders to create a similar effect with custom ores.
dude, I think that it would take up less memory to make it randomly generated, but some of the effects may not be anticipated if it somehow goes weird. They can either add some good ones in (which would take up more space, as they would need 20+ of each one so there is variety) or randomly generate. If they randomly generate, they would probably have to mess around with the values so they can be sure that it wouldn't be really weird. We'll have to see, unless a dev sees this message :D

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:17 pm
by aober93
The uranium shadow looks weird, like its hovering above ground.

The same applies to the other ores, but the powder effect sorta hides it a bit. Looks cool otherwise

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:44 pm
by Ranakastrasz
PacifyerGrey wrote:With the new look for ores it is really visually confusing where the actual ore boundaries are so I support the idea of highlighting ore boundaries when you place drills
Same here. That said, the new looks is FRIGGIN AWESOME. HAYO.
Given the different shape, I am hoping for modders to be able to get information on how to create ores to match the new scheme, without figuring out how to write the code themselves or recoloring. I don't do graphics, but even so, I have no idea where I might start for this.

Re: Friday Facts #179 - New resource graphics & concrete

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 12:53 pm
by ili
Ores Looks very good now
Only thing left to do is renaming the "Uranium" to Tiberium and we good to go!

O.M.G We need a mod with harvesters and a refineries!!! :o